Announcement on the competitive filling the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Announcement on the competitive filling the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Vacant position: the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Basic requirements for the participant of the competition:

higher education, work experience in specialty not less than 3 years.

Functional responsibilities:

Head of the purchasing department must:

 -Organize and personally manage the procurement of goods, works and services of the procurement plan for the corresponding financial year, drawn up at the request of the structural divisions of the university together with the material supply service and the planning department (economists).

– Supervise the work of the purchasing department, distribute responsibility among the managers of the department for certain product groups and for additional areas of work.

 – Determine the order and procedure for the procurement of goods, works and services, criteria and norms for conducting procurement transactions, determines and agrees the procedure for settlements with suppliers.

 – Monitor the preparation and implementation of the procurement plan for the financial year.

 – Organize the current interaction of the procurement department with other structural divisions: the department of economics and planning, the department of material and technical supply.

-Control the preparation and drawing up of tender documentation for the procurement tender.

-Together with the Department of Economics and Planning, organize mutual settlements with suppliers, monitor the state of the university’s accounts payable, which arose in the case of the purchase of goods, works from services.

– Formulate cost estimates for the department, guarantee the correctness of the data contained in them, control their execution.

-Organize and control claims work with manufacturers and suppliers in case of violation of contractual obligations, carry out settlements for these claims, agree on changes in the terms of concluded contracts.

– Control the preparation and applications for participation in tenders, timely and high-quality preparation of documents in accordance with the requirements.

– Monitor the progress of implementation of planned targets for the university and its departments.

– Provide accounting, maintenance and storage of documents and their forms used in work.

– Prevent unauthorized persons from accessing documents stored in the department.

– Observe and ensure the requirements of confidentiality in their work and to the documents related to this work, to ensure and control the regime of preservation of the university’s commercial secrets.

– Organize and carry out the preparation of all established reporting forms, confirm (endorse) the accuracy of the information.

List of documents for participation in the competition:

  1. copy of the identification document;
  2. copies of diplomas of higher education, and (or) academic or scientific degree, a document on academic title and originals for verification;
  3. copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if any) and originals for verification;
  4. medical certificate on the state of health (medical professional advisory opinion) according to the form No. 086 / y, according to the forms of primary medical documentation of healthcare organizations, approved by order of the acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 No. 907, issued no more than six months before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
  5. certificate from neuropsychiatric organization in the form, in accordance with the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization” approved by order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015 No. 272, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
  6. certificate from narcological organization in the form, in accordance with the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from narcological organization”, approved by order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015 No. 272, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy).
  7. certificate on presence or absence of information on the records issued by the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Records of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the person committing a criminal offense.
  8. 8. participant of the competition has the right to provide additional information regarding his education, work experience, professional level, knowledge of languages (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the administration of the previous place of work, certificates, diplomas, etc.).
  9. Persons working at the university apply characteristics of the higher management.

Date of publication: January 19, 2023 y.

The documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.

Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 105. Tel.: +7 (7132) 54-69-25. e-mail: [email protected]

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