Practical skills developed

Practical skills are an important aspect of the work of any healthcare professional. There is a number of skills that every person should have, regardless of his category, profile and experience.
On the basis of the SРС from 15.01 to 05.02.2021. the department of OVP № 2 conducted master classes and seminars on 15 topics “Urgent and emergency medical care at the prehospital stage” in order to regularly improve the knowledge of the teaching staff with the development of practical skills, as well as to improve the methods of rescuing the population.

Assistants of the department Sultanov K.Zh., Ismailova. I.V., Begalina D.T., Ibragimova N.Z., Nazarbaeva M.K., Nurbaulina E.B., Moldasheva Z.B. showed employees a fixed topic on emergency care on dummies, according to the current protocol and methodological recommendations.

The participants of the master classes highly appreciated the curriculum, structuredness and presentation of the teaching material. In addition, each participant was able to work out techniques on a dummy, get advice from the teacher.