Dear Colleagues!
19-20 on May 202 year the NJS “West – Kazakhstan Medical University after Marat Ospanov” will held an international scientific conference entitled “Residency in family medicine achievements problems and prospects” for general practitioners and teachers leading local and foreign experts are invited to make presentationslectures and reports and let us to introduce you with the speakers

– Orozalieva Gulzat Sabyrbekovna head of the project “Reforms of medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic” (Bishkek Kyrgyzstan). Topic of the report “Training of family doctors in the Kyrgyz Republic changing the concept of postgraduate training

– Lutan Louis Professor at Geneva University Hospitals. Director of the Kyrgyz – Swiss project “Reforms of medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic” Former – President of the International Geneva Health Forum – Geneva Health Forum (Geneva, Switzerland).

– Brimkulov Nurlan Nurgazievich, Head of the Department of Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Public Association “Family Medicine without Borders”, member of WONCA, EURACT (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) Presentation topic: “The role of the family doctor in the management of patients with postcovid syndrome”

– Azimova Aigul Asanbaevna project “Reforms of medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic” coordinator for postgraduate and continuing medical education Topic of the report “The structure of postgraduate training in family medicine in Kyrgyzstan”

– Talapbek kyzy Shirin, Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after IK Akhunbaev, member of the Board of the Public Association “Family Medicine Without Borders”, member of the EURACT Council (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan). Topic of the report: Decentralization of training for family medicine residents in Kyrgyzstan: pros and cons.

– Temirasheva Laura Zhenisovna Health Department of Aktobe region regional coordinator of IMCI and UPPM national trainer Topic of the report ” The experience of introducing UPPM in the Aktobe region realities prospects problems”.

– Zinalieva Ainur Nurlybaevna Associate Professor of the Department of GP No 2. Report: assessment of the quality of life of patients with Type Two diabetes