“Zerdeli ustaz”!

This title was awarded to the senior teacher of the ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov Zhumaliev Gulmira during the event organized by the Republican scientific and methodological center “Samgau”.

It brought together teachers of Aktobe, Zhambyl, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and other regions. Despite the remote work of schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, “Zerdeli ustaz”, “Ulagatty ustaz”, “Bilim maktanyshy-2021” – these are the titles awarded to the most worthy and talented teachers of our country at a solemn beautiful event organized by the awarded teachers have something to boast about and something to learn: in their piggy bank of achievements, protection of scientific and creative projects, active participation in competitions, forums and webinars, training of prize-winning students, improving their skills, sharing valuable knowledge from their own professional experience with other colleagues, etc.The teachers of the WKMU named after Marat Ospanov were no exception.

Gulmira Sainovna Zhumaliyeva, senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, was awarded a medal in the nomination “Zerdeli ustaz”, a certificate and a letter of thanks for her fruitful work and professional achievements. Zhumaliyeva is an innovative teacher who uses new pedagogical methods and forms of teaching in her practice, an attentive curator who uses a personality-oriented approach in educational work, a promising young scientist working simultaneously in several scientific grant projects, a sought-after specialist.

The creative, scientific and methodological, social life of all teachers deserves respect and gratitude, since the successful development of our students depends on their professional activities, which means the intellectual and creative potential of society.