«Morphological laboratory» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

«Morphological laboratory»

The morphological Laboratory at the Department of histology has been operating since November 2019.

Purpose and objectives of the morphological laboratory:

– conducting scientific work on topical issues of morphological diagnosis of diseases.

– introduction into practice of modern histological, histochemical and immunohistochemicall, etc. methods aimed at improving the morphological verification of diseases.

– organization of training courses, master classes on topical issues of histological diagnostics.

– work as an educational and practical environment for improving the practical skills of students (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies) in morphological methods.

– preparation of a stock of histological micro-preparations necessary for the educational process.

Structure of the morphological laboratory:

– room equipped with modern digital light microscopes

– laboratory room

– staff room

– storage room

Regulatory documents:

– Regulations of the Department of histology (R WKMU 65-02 from 16.01.2020)

– Instruction on standard surgical procedures in the morphological laboratory (I WKMU 65-03 from 10.01.2020).

– Journal of activity of morphological laboratory (from 16.01.2020)

Staff of the morphological laboratory:

– teaching staff of the Department of histology

– 1.0 bet-senior researcher

– 1.0 bet-laboratory assistant

Morphological laboratory equipment is provided by the application (Appendix 1)

Methods performed and implemented in the morphological laboratory:

– preparation of micro-preparations by histological processing of histological materials:

  1. Autopsy
  2. biopsy
  3. experimental
  4. operational.

– Staining of histological micro-preparations

  1. hematoxylin-eosin
  2. Van Gieson’s
  3. iron hematoxylin
  4. alcian yellow toluidine blue
  5. Romanowsky–Giemsa.

– Immunohistochemically research method:

  1. Ki67 is a marker of proliferative activity of the cancer cell.
  2. Her2 neu


  1. In order to commercialize the results of scientific research, paid master classes are held annually on the topic “Techniques for preparing histological materials for diagnostic purposes using the example of a stomach”.
  2. In 2023, a professional development course for histological laboratory assistants was held on a paid basis on the topic “Questions of histological research methods in laboratory diagnostics”.
  3. From 29.11.2023 to 09.12.2023, a course on improving education was held: improving the qualification of specialists with medium medical education RSGE «Center of judicial expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan» in accordance with the agreement on state procurement №183/OI 17.11.2023

Work on scientific and technical projects:

– Provision of services by order as a temporary working group: Faculty of chemistry and Chemical Technology of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in the framework of the grant financing project MES RoK AP08052780 “Development of new vaginal drug forms based on hydrophilic polymers”.

– As a member of the working group: scientific research project of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025: AP19676915 “Development of toxicometric criteria for the hazard and toxicity of drilling fluids and cuttings”.

Prepared micro-preparations necessary for the educational process in teaching the discipline “Histology”:

– Umbilical cord preparation. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin. 100 units;

– Cerebellar preparation. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin.100 units;

– Ureter preparation. The staining is hematoxylin and eosin. 50 units.

Micro-preparations describing the normal histological structure of organs in the human body were digitized and a video content was created with explanations: in Kazakh, Russian and English (300 videos).

Participation in specialized accreditation (December 13-15, 2021)

Participation in the first specialized accreditation (April 26-28, 2022)

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