Organization «MedStars» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Organization «MedStars»

Head: Dovletova Amangul Ruslanovna

Contact phone number: +7 778 733 9079

Purpose: to bring together talented students of our university, make the most of their free time and help them realize themselves in a new way.

Achievements: in a short time since the opening of our organization, our active students have won various competitions at the city, regional and national levels. In particular:

– Nasimov Ilyas, winner of the Grand Prix of the Laula competition – (Aktobe, 2021).

– at the ZHAS STAR youth festival, Dovletova Amangul – I place, Abdurakhman Zhandos – winner of the Yerekshe oner iesi nomination (Aktobe, 2022)

– Nasimov Ilyas winner of the Grand Prix in the vocal nomination at the republican competition “Zhelbire Zhenis Zhalauy”, Dovletova Amangul-1st degree laureate, Abdurakhman Zhandos-2nd degree laureate (Almaty, 2022)

– Abdurakhman Zhandos winner of the second place in the pop vocal nomination at the republican festival dedicated to 56 – anniversary of the Dos Mukasan Ensemble (Almaty, 2023)

– regional festival “NEW WAVE-2023” – 1st year student Sabina Asylkhan became the winner of the nomination “Korerman kozaymy”, Almara Amantai took the III place, Zhandos Abdurakhman – the second place, Ayagoz Abdigalieva – the first place. (Aktobe, 2023)

– in the competition “Laula-2023” among students of all universities and colleges of the Aktobe region, Abdurakhman Zhandos and Myntai Sayazhan won 2 places (Aktobe, 2023)

Student organization «MedSTARS»

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