Нead of department
Head of the Department of Psychology: Miraleyeva Alua Islamchayevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the Association of Palliative Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Clinical residency in family medicine in 1997-1999. Since 1999 he has been an assistant at the Department of Family Medicine of the postgraduate education faculty. Since 2014 he has been an associate professor of the course of communication skills.
He has an IELTS 6.5. TOEFL 567 certificate. The Hirsch index: h = 1 (Scopus).
Actively participates in international projects and conferences: DFID (Great Britain; Salzburg, Austria; Pittsburgh, USA; Madison, USA); WONCA (Orlando, USA); ELNEC – 2023 (Salzburg, Austria).
The winner of the master class on communication skills (AMEE) is Rosmedobr (Moscow, 2020). In 2021, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2023, she was awarded a medal in honor of the 10th anniversary of the KAPPA “Community of Mercy” and a letter of Thanks from the Kazakhstan Palliative Care Association.
Basbayeva Muslima Abdykarimovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology; For contribution to the development of the University, badge «For contribution to the development of the University»,2022:
Knissarina Malika Maksotovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, the best teacher of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021;
Zhumaliyeva Gulmira Sayynkyzy, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology, the best curator in 2023 Fellow of the international Bolashak program for a scientific internship at George Washington University. USA;
Bekeshova Gulmira Utegaliyevna , Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, holder of the Diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021;
Duissenova Ainash Aldabergenova, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology;
Netalina Gulnur Karymsakovna, Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, lecturer at the Department of Psychology.
History of creation
The Department of Psychology was formed by order of the Rector on 09/01/2021 by combining the course of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and the course of communication skills at the Department of GP1.
The mission of the department is to form and develop the communication skills of a doctor in society (with a patient, his relatives, colleagues) and psychological competence of a person based on knowledge of the basic laws of mental development, as well as the formation of a socio-humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving the tasks of modernization of public consciousness, defined by the state program “Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness”. Undergraduate students acquire basic basic psychological knowledge, communication skills, and in senior years develop communication skills in real doctor-patient situations.
Formation of psychological competence of a personality based on knowledge of the patterns of mental development and socio-humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving the tasks of modernization of public consciousness, defined by the state program “Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness”, as well as the development of communication skills of future medical specialists in the system “doctor-patient”, “doctor-doctor” of his relatives, colleagues).
The Department of Psychology is the initiator and responsible for the development of the Modular educational program of the Bachelor’s degree “6B03102-Clinical Psychology”, implemented since 2021. by joint efforts of the Marat Ospanov Medical University and Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.
I n 2022, the Department signed memoranda of cooperation with departments of universities in Western Kazakhstan: NJSC “Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yesenova” Aktau, NJSC “West Kazakhstan University named after M.Utemisov” Uralsk, NJSC “Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov” (within the framework of the NTP of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), as well as in 2023 Caspian University (Caspian University) and St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT).
Academic mobility of teaching staff is implemented annually at the department:
1) incoming (Sirozhiddinova Zukhra Mukaramovna, PhD, Tashkent State Dental University, 08/31/2022 – 09/07/2022; Kaziev Karas Orzhanovich, PhD, Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova, 03/27/2023 – 03/31/2023);
2) outgoing (Miraleeva A.I., Caspian University, February 2023; Miraleeva A.I., Tashkent State Dental University, October 2023; Bekeshova G.U., Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, 03/27/2023 to 03/31/2023)
The Department of Psychology actively cooperates with foreign scientists implementing the visiting Professor program: PhD, Associate Professor Alena Garber (Dr. Alena Garber), psychologist of the Reinhardshöhe Rehabilitation Clinic, Hesse, Germany (Psychologist Rehabilitation Clinic Reinhardshöhe, Hessen, Germany) – in the period 03-07.10.2022 04-0.12.2023).
The student body includes bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in all specialties. Educational programs: “Psychology”, “Communication skills”, “Psychology of health”, “Fundamentals of pedagogical knowledge”, “Psychology of communication”; “Stress tolerance”, “Psychology of management”, “Professionalism in medicine”, “Methodology of teaching in higher education”, “Pedagogy of higher education”, “Management in pedagogy”.
The Department successfully implements scientific and technical projects funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) IRN No. ARO9562200 “Assessment of the level of anxiety in high school students in secondary schools in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic”, 2021, scientific supervisor – M.M. Knissarina, senior researcher – G.S. Zhumaliyeva;
2) IRN No. AR09058126 “Social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan”, 2021-2023; scientific supervisor – M.M. Knissarina, senior researcher – G.S. Zhumaliyeva;
3) IRN No. AP19678139 “Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being of young people in Western Kazakhstan”, 2023-2025; scientific supervisor – M.M. Knissarina, senior researchers – A.I. Miraleyeva, G.S. Zhumaliyeva;
Student scientific and technical projects funded by the budget of the Marat Ospanov WKMU:
1) “The study of empathy as an important component of communicative competence in students and nurses using the IRI questionnaire (interpersonal reactive index, Davis test)”, 2021, scientific supervisor – A.I. Miraleyeva.
Winners of student scientific and creative competitions, conferences, etc.:
1) Diploma of the first degree in the Republican student competition of scientific papers – “The study of empathy as an important component of communicative competence among students of the NJSC “WK Marat Ospanov MU and nurses using the IRI questionnaire: a cross–sectional study”, D. Amanzhol, I. Zholdybayeva, ruk. A.I. Miraleyeva, 2021.;
2) Diploma of the first degree at the 1st stage of the republican competition of scientific research works of students – “The role of a socially responsible person in improving the well-being of university students”, A. Aliturlieva, R. Baylauov, N. Oralbekova, M.M. Knissarina, 2023.;
3) Diploma of the first degree in the 64th scientific and practical conference of students with international participation “Science and Health”, dedicated to the Day of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Semey, RK) – D. Zhumabayeva, D. Sarsimbayeva, M.M. Knisarin, 2021.;
4) Diploma of the II degree in the 64th scientific and practical conference of students with international participation “Science and Health”, dedicated to the Day of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Semey, RK) – K. Iniyatova, A.A. Duissenova, 2021;
5) Diploma of the II degree in the 61st scientific and practical conference of young scientists with international participation “Science:yesterday, today, tomorrow”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov WKMU – D. Amanzhol, A.I. Miraleyea, 2021;
6) Diploma of the II degree in the international creative competition (St. Petersburg, Russia) – L. Aliturlieva, M.M. Knissarina, 2021.;
7) Diploma of the II degree in the 62nd scientific and practical conference of young scientists with international participation “Science: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU (Aktobe, RK) – I.Derkach, A.I. Miralyeeva, 2023.;
8) Diploma of the II degree dated 04/29/2021 at the LX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “Science: yesterday, today, tomorrow” within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Aktobe, RK) – D. Zhumabayeva, M.M. Knissarina, 2021.;
9) Diploma of the II degree from 05/06/2021 in the republican competition of student works (essays) dedicated to the Great Victory within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, RK) – A.Yarova, M.M. Knissarina, 2021;
10) Diploma of the I degree in the international competition of students “Vita. Media. Science” (Omsk, Russia) – R.Baylauov, M.M. Knissarina, 2023;
11) Diploma of the II degree in the international competition of students “Vita. Media. Science” (Omsk, Russia) – A. Aliturlieva, N. Oralbekova, M.M. Knissarina, 2023.;
12) Diploma of the II degree in the international student competition “Vita. Media. Science” (Omsk, Russia) – M. Ondasynov, N. Amirgaliev, A. Marat, M.M. Knissarina, 2023 and others.
Teaching staff of the Department of Psychology systematically organize and conduct master classes for students and teachers on psychological and pedagogical topics and communication skills.
Contact information
Aktobe, 68 Maresyev str., Main building, 4th floor, offices No. 415-423, [email protected]
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