Head of the Civil Protection Department –– Kuzhamuratov Zhanserik Kuzhamuratovich.
- Higher, legal.
2004-2008 Kostanay Law Institute.The Committee of the Penal Enforcement System.
- 2017-2018 Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, 6M030100 – Jurisprudence (Master’s degree).
The main purpose of creating the department is to control employee compliance with laws and other regulations on civil protection, ecology, fire safety, safety and labor protection.
Staff of 5 people:
- Head of the Civil Protection Department
- Fire safety instructor
- Health and Safety Engineer
- Environmental Engineer (Ecologist)
Tasks of the department:
- Development of documentation in the field of civil protection
- Conducting fire safety briefings
- Conducting safety briefings
- training of University management staff to improve their knowledge in the field of civil protection
- training of fire and technical minimum managers and persons responsible for fire safety
- Organization, accounting and control of timely removal of solid waste medical waste from University facilities
- Control at the facilities and on the territory of the University of the requirements of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Control over the organization and conduct of disinfection, disinfection and deratization at university facilities
- Conducting an introductory briefing on safety and labor protection for newly accepted University employees
- Adoption of a report on the results of the readiness of the forces and means of the GZ formations and the development of necessary documentation on the organization of training for employees of the University’s structural divisions in the field of civil protection.
Zhubangazin Erbol Askarovich – Health and Safety Engineer
Sagidolla Amanbek Kalybekovich – ecologist
Mukanova Akmaral Malikovna – specialist
Zhumabekov Anarbek – fire safety instructor.
Maresyeva Street 68, West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov, main building 2nd floor, room №202. [email protected]
Head of the Civil Protection Department: 8 701 360 41 41
Health and Safety Engineer: 8 705 473 86 62
Ecologist: 8 771 791 35 29
Fire safety instructor: 8 776 791 51 37
Specialist: 8 701 585 98 33