Olympiad for future dentists

An Olympiad in therapeutic dentistry was held at the Department of Therapeutic and Orthopedic Dentistry. It was attended by 4th year students. The objectives of the Olympiad are to increase students’ interest in research and creative thinking.
The Olympiad consisted of 4 rounds.
Round 1 video greeting of the participating teams.
Round 2 is a quiz consisting of questions of different categories.
Round 3 blitz survey for team captains within 1 minute.
The 4th round was a practical skill, during which 1 representative of the team restored a tooth for 20 minutes.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the Storm force 408 gr. team took the first place, the Dental Universe 403 gr. team took the second place, the Dent Oris 406 gr. team and the KADY 405 gr. team took the third place.
Active participants of the event were awarded in the nominations “Best theoretical knowledge”, “Best practical skill”, “Best clinical thinking”.