Сlean water and sanitation

Senior teachers of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines with occupational diseases K.Shayakhmetov and L.Sakebaeva participated in the seminar, which was held at the gymnasium No. 41 named after F.Ongarsynova. The purpose of the seminar — is to form a culture of health care in the daily life of students by promoting the goals of sustainable development in the educational process. The event took place under SDGs 3 and 6, «Good Health and Wellbeing» and «Clean Water and Sanitation».
During the seminar, the participants raised the following issues: a healthy lifestyle begins with proper nutrition and cleanliness, sports, how we can improve our health, sources of high-quality food and useful vitamins necessary for everyday life, the need to avoid bad habits. They stressed that everyone should take care of their health, preserve, strengthen, know and appreciate it.
Reports were made that access to safe water and sanitation and the rational use of freshwater ecosystems are of great importance for human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity.