Vacant position: Chief Physician of the Family Medicine Clinic of NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University»
Basic requirements for the participant of the competition:
Higher education in the field of training «Health care», a certificate of completion of a certification course of advanced training (retraining) in the specialty «Health Management» («Public health») and (or) a certificate (or certificate) of qualification in the relevant specialty; or higher education in the field of training «Health Care», postgraduate education in the field of study «Healthcare», or «Business and Law» or an EMBA degree or full-time (Full-time); either higher education in the field of Business, Management and Law and postgraduate education in the field of Healthcare or an EMBA or full-time degree (Full-time); a certificate of a manager in the field of healthcare; work experience in senior positions for at least 2 years.
Functional responsibilities:
FMC Management.
- Manages the production, financial and economic activities of a healthcare organization, is responsible for the management decisions made, the safety and effective use of the organization’s property, as well as for the results of financial and economic activities.
- Defines the policy, strategy of the organization and the mechanism of its implementation. Ensures the introduction of new and improvement of existing organizational forms and methods of staff work aimed at further improving the efficiency and quality of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive care, improving the quality and competitiveness of services provided.
- Ensures effective interaction of the structural divisions of the organization, directs their actions to the development and improvement of medical services provided.
- Is personally responsible for compliance with anti-corruption legislation, and taking measures to prevent manifestations of corruption on his part and those subordinate to him.
- Takes measures to ensure the organization with qualified personnel, the rational use of their professional knowledge and experience, the creation of safe working conditions for life and health, the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team. Based on the analysis of the organization’s activities and the assessment of its performance indicators, it takes the necessary measures to improve the forms and methods of the organization’s work. Ensures, on the basis of the principles of social partnership, the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, observance of labor discipline, promotes the development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of employees.
- Coordinates the work on the study and assessment of sanitary and epidemiological situations, identifies priority factors of adverse effects on human health. Takes effective measures to improve the sanitary and epidemiological situation.
- Organizes operational and laboratory-instrumental control and supervision of hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, compliance with sanitary rules and norms, and hygienic standards.
- Ensures compliance with the requirements of medical ethics, legality in the activities of the organization, including in matters of financial and economic management, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulation of social and labor relations.
- Carries out the admission and dismissal of employees. Concludes contracts and makes transactions with individuals and legal entities. Issues orders and orders on matters of its competence that are mandatory for all employees.
- Represents the organization in government agencies, organizations and the court. Ensures compliance with medical ethics, the requirements of internal labor regulations, technical operation of devices, equipment and mechanisms, compliance with fire safety, occupational safety and health, sanitary and epidemiological regime. Ensures timely reporting of the organization.
- Organizes and controls the work on providing timely and high-quality outpatient, inpatient replacement care to the attached population in the clinic and at home, as well as providing therapeutic and diagnostic assistance to clients applying to the FMC.
- Ensures an increase in the efficiency of the FMC, the competitiveness of the services provided, and their compliance with state standards.
- Organizes the production and economic activities of FMC based on the use of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, the study of best practices in order to improve the technical level and quality of services, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
- On behalf of the Chairman of the Board – Rector, he represents the FMC in state bodies.
- Carries out an analysis of activities and, based on an assessment of its performance indicators, takes the necessary measures to improve the forms and methods of work of the organization.
- Monitors compliance with the requirements of the rules of internal labor regulations, safety, labor protection, technical operation of devices, equipment and mechanisms.
- Upon receipt of the signal, takes measures in case of emergency incidents in the FMC (theft of special accounting forms; drugs, narcotic drugs and precursors; material assets; fires; sudden death; accidents; identification of particularly dangerous infections, etc.) with simultaneous notification of the Chairman of the Board – Rector, a higher health authority and all interested organizations (police, emergency services).
- Submits a report on the work done for the year to the Chairman of the Board – Rector:
– on clinical activities and the development of the material and technical base of the FMC;
– defines specific activities for the next year;
– on working with personnel, the causes of turnover and measures to eliminate the identified causes.
Organization of work on the development of FMC.
- Takes measures to ensure the organization of qualified personnel, the rational use of their professional knowledge and experience, the creation of safe working conditions for life and health, the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.
- Participates in the development and preparation of programs for the development of FMC.
- Ensures effective interaction of structural units, directs their actions to the development and improvement of services provided, their compliance with state standards.
- Participates in the development of FMC business plans in terms of providing it with human resources and necessary equipment.
- Introduces and promotes the widespread use of modern methods and means of treatment, diagnosis and prevention.
Improving the quality of services provided.
- Develops and implements measures aimed at preventing and reducing general and infectious morbidity, morbidity with temporary disability, disability and general mortality of the population.
- Based on the analysis of the clinic’s activities and the state of its material and technical base, staffing and their qualifications, it draws up (develops) annual work plans of the clinic, long-term plans for the development of the material and technical base of the institution, measures to improve therapeutic and preventive activities, to improve the professional knowledge of medical workers.
- Improves the organization and working hours of the clinic’s offices and departments in order to fully meet the current needs of the population, possibly on weekends and holidays.
- Studies and implements the best practices of the best outpatient clinics and labor management activities in the activities of medical personnel, improves the organization of the work of the clinic’s management staff.
- Controls the timely verification and calibration of FMC production measuring instruments.
- Develops long-term and current plans for the organization of medical, diagnostic and preventive work in the FMC, carries out systematic control over their implementation.
- Improves the quality management system of medical services, including management decision-making based on the expertise of the quality of services provided.
- Controls the implementation of activities aimed at:
- for the timely and widespread introduction into practice of new methods of examination and treatment of patients, principles of therapeutic and protective regime, therapeutic nutrition, methods of physical therapy and rehabilitation therapy;
- improvement of immediate and long-term treatment results;
- rational application and use of modern medicines in the treatment of patients;
- ensuring a strict and sustainable sanitary and epidemiological regime in the FMC.
- Controls measures aimed at preventing and eliminating defects in work based on the results of an analysis of activities and contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of medical care.
- Supervises the training and methodological assistance to the clinic staff on issues of ensuring the quality of medical care.
- Coordinates a long-term professional development plan for doctors and nursing staff.
- Systematically improves his professional qualifications, both in the field of clinical disciplines and in the organization of healthcare.
- Organizes and controls timely and high-quality consideration of letters, complaints and statements on the work of the FMC. Taking action and implementation.
- Controls the correctness of maintaining medical records of patients and other medical documentation, as well as their storage in accordance with the established procedure.
Personnel management.
- Organizes the management of the formation, use and development of FMC personnel based on the maximum realization of the labor potential of each employee.
- Organizes and coordinates the work on the formation of personnel policy, determining its main directions in accordance with the FMC development strategy and measures for its implementation.
- Determines the directions of work to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team. Special attention is paid to the sufficiency of staff motivation, their satisfaction with the conditions and quality of work, their loyalty and manageability.
- Ensures that Policies, Goals, and standards are brought to the attention of each FMC employee.
- Promotes the full development of mentoring
List of documents for participation in the competition:
- a copy of the identity document;
- Summary;
- copies of diplomas of higher education, academic and academic degrees, a document of academic rank and originals for verification;
- copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;
- copies of the specialist’s certificate/admission to clinical activity and the certificate of the medical category according to the profile of the structural unit;
- a list of scientific papers and inventions (if available). For university employees, the list of scientific papers is assured by the scientific secretary;
- medical certificate of health status (medical professional advisory opinion) in form No. 075/y, according to the forms of primary medical documentation of healthcare organizations approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020 “On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of healthcare”, issued not more than six months before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
- a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
- a certificate from a drug treatment organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a drug treatment organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy).
- a certificate on the presence or absence of accounting information issued by the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the commission of a criminal and corruption offense by a person.
The absence of one of the above-mentioned documents is the basis for returning the documents to the participant of the competition.
- the participant of the competition has the right to provide additional information concerning his education, work experience, professional level, language skills (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work, certificates, diplomas, etc.).
- persons working at the university attach a description of the higher management.
- A folder with dense files – 20 sheets.
Persons wishing to participate in the competition to fill the vacant position of head of the Medical Center, chief physician of the Family Medicine Clinic, head of the Dental Clinic must additionally prepare a presentation on their vision of the development of this structural unit.
Date of publication: August 06, 2024
The documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.
Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 105. Tel.: +7 (7132) 54-69-25.
e-mail: [email protected]