– work on organizations for collecting, processing and analyzing biomedical data, as well as providing advice and organizing methodological assistance for faculty and students (doctoral students, undergraduates, residents, students).
The main tasks of the staff of the biostatistics sector are the organization of work on mathematical and statistical support and maintenance of medical and epidemiological studies, a summary of the results obtained using the SPSS 25 version software package and the Statistica 10 version.
After completion of any scientific research, fundamental or experimental, a statistical analysis of the obtained data is performed. In order for the statistical analysis to be successfully carried out and to solve the problems posed, the study must be well planned. Understanding the principles of statistics is necessary at least in order to avoid an incorrect statement of the problem to a specialist, communication with which before the start of the study is just as important as at the stage of data processing. Therefore, the sector’s work can be divided into 3 stages: 1) filing an application for performing statistical processing of data on a specific topic; the database in Microsoft Excel format should be sent to the department’s e-mail address: [email protected]; 2) checking the collected material for completeness and correctness of filling (i.e. there are rules according to which spreadsheets are filled in); 3) statistical processing of the database (upon completion of the work, a certificate of the biostatics sector is issued on the types and results of the analysis);