SECTOR OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті


The main objective of the Clinical Epidemiology Sector is to improve the quality of ongoing scientific research in accordance with the principles of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine, with the subsequent timely and qualitative epidemiological analysis of the findings.
 The aim of clinical epidemiology is the development and using of such methods of clinical observation that enable us to make fair conclusions with a guaranteed assessment of the effects of systematic and accidental errors.
 The main tasks of the clinical epidemiology sector: consultation of researchers, undergraduates and doctoral candidates on the issues of epidemiological analysis in the planning of scientific research and issuing conclusions of the biostatistics and clinical epidemiology sector for the approval of the topic.
 Sector Employee:
– conducts consultation analysis of research on clinical epidemiology;
– organizes control over the correctness of clinical epidemiology research in the conduct of research of the university;
– acquaints university staff with current regulations on clinical epidemiology research, offers assistance in conducting research;
– leads the conduct of research on clinical epidemiology, the selection, study and evaluation of the results of clinical epidemiology;
– carries out work on familiarization of university employees with research methods of clinical epidemiology.
 According to the results of the analysis of research, master students, doctoral students and researchers are given a “Conclusion of the Sector of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology for the approval of the topic of research / dissertation for the academic degree of master / doctor PhD” (Reference 1).

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