Science and Technology Program “Pre-Suicidal Tendencies as a Comprehensive Indicator and Monitoring Object: A Population Study of Youth and Young Adults in Kazakhstan” within the Framework of Program-Targeted Funding for 2024-2026 (IRN BR24993083) – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Science and Technology Program “Pre-Suicidal Tendencies as a Comprehensive Indicator and Monitoring Object: A Population Study of Youth and Young Adults in Kazakhstan” within the Framework of Program-Targeted Funding for 2024-2026 (IRN BR24993083)

Aim – Develop a comprehensive monitoring methodology designed for: a) analyzing the dynamics of pre-suicidal conditions among adolescents and young adults (aged 16 to 40); b) identifying intrapersonal and social-environmental factors that determine susceptibility to suicidal behavior in individuals or social groups; c) providing scientific and informational support for measures to prevent suicidal behavior and optimize healthcare, education, social, and youth policies in Kazakhstan.


  1. Identify the bio-psycho-social determinants of suicidal behavior
  2. Determine the underlying mechanisms of suicidal behavior
  3. Develop suicide prevention measures
  4. Implement suicide prevention measures into clinical practice among the population of Kazakhstan
  5. Identify root causes and risk and protective factors in suicidal behavior, considering their short- and long-term impacts in the context of social and cultural characteristics of the country and regions
  6. Conduct a meta-analysis and international review of key factors affecting suicidality and develop effective suicide prevention strategies, including risk and protective factors and intervention effectiveness
  7. Evaluate leading international practices and assess the feasibility of using various questionnaires for evaluating the invariance of suicidality measurement constructs
  8. Conduct a national sociological multilevel study across Kazakhstan to assess public perception and key trends associated with suicidality and identify relationships between variables at the individual (e.g., level of condemnation/taboo, understanding/empathy, influence of social networks, and cultural norms, accessibility and assistance, education, and prevention) and regional levels
  9. Interpret collected data and determine a sociological measurement matrix for suicidality, applying deprivation and social fragmentation indexes to assess the prevalence of suicidal thoughts, attempts, and completed suicides, and conduct statistical monitoring of suicidal behavior across regions
  10. Identify the social aspects of suicidality based on the obtained data, including
  11. a) levels of social support, increased/reduced sense of isolation and support during crisis situations,
  12. b) family relationships,
  13. c) education level and access to education,
  14. d) economic factors (poverty, unemployment, and economic instability),
  15. e) social isolation and stigma associated with mental health
  16. Prepare recommendations for the development of feasible short-, medium-, and long-term measures and policies to reduce cases of suicidal behavior, including programs and communication strategies that can be implemented with the support of all relevant government bodies and decision-makers in Kazakhstan
  17. Disseminate results and findings of this research in the social, educational, and managerial fields.

Expected Results:

– New data on common and Kazakhstan-specific mechanisms and factors that increase and decrease suicide risk among adolescents and young adults in Kazakhstan

– Reliable bio-psycho-social indicators of suicide risk and their interrelationships in the studied population will be identified

– Global experience and best practices will be examined for potential transfer or adaptation to the Kazakhstani context

– The effectiveness of preventive and rehabilitative interventions will be assessed, followed by the development of recommendations for the medical, social, educational, and managerial fields

– Information resources will be prepared for end-users of the project.

Strategically Important National Tasks Addressed by the Program:

  1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2011 No. 407-IV “On Science”
  2. Kazakhstan’s Development Strategy until 2050
  3. The Concept of Development of Higher Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 28, 2023, No. 248, Action Plan point 28
  4. Protocol of the meeting of the National Council on Science and Technology dated April 12, 2023, point 2.2
  5. Address of the Head of State K-J. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan” dated September 1, 2023, point 52 of the National Action Plan
  6. Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 2, 2021 No. 400-VI.

Program Location: Republic of Kazakhstan

– Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

– Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Semey Medical University”

– Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Mental Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Planned Program Start and End Dates and Duration in Months: 01.07.2024 – 31.12.2026 (30 months)

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