University scientists have won a grant worth more than 1 billion tenge

Universityscientists have wonthecompetitionforprogram-targetedfinancing of scientificandscientific-technicalprogramsfor2024-2026. The competitionwasorganized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The project«Development of a kitforisolatingexosomesfrom the culture of umbilical cord mesenchymalstemcellsfortherapeuticandresearchpurposes»received a grant in theamountof1,001,516,909tenge.Thisprojectaimstocreate an innovativeproductthateffectivelyisolatesexosomesforuseinbiomedicalresearchandtherapeuticpurposes.
We are proud of this achievement and are confident that the results of the project will make a significant contribution to the development of science and medicine!