«Zverev readings»

Every year, the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Ural State Medical University of Russia, under the leadership of Professor Natalia Tsap, organizes the Winter School «Zverev Readings» dedicated to the memory of the founder of pediatric surgery in the Urals, Alexey Zverev.
This year at the IX International School, which was attended by students and residents from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Residents of the Department of Pediatric Surgery B.Bori, A.Tursynkhan, N.Kuanyshbai, E.Gafurov, N.Kabdol, A.Nabiev, N.Suleimenov, A.Amangeldieva, under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department B.Bisaliev, took part in the school.
At the Student — to-Teacher conference, E.Gafurov took the second place with the report «Acute gynecological diseases with a latent picture of acute appendicitis in adolescent girls». Associate Professor B.Bisaliev gave a lecture «Malformations of the anterior abdominal wall».
The school’s program also included contests for erudition, drowning rescue, medical evacuation, and intensive care. The participants demonstrated skills in diagnosis and treatment, as well as laparoscopic surgery.
At the end of the event, Diplomas and memorable gifts were presented.