Department of Human resources management

Rpasheva Gulnara Tanerbergenovna

 Head of the Department of Human Resources Management

Department of Administrative Personnel Work is a structural subdivision of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University.

The aim of the department is realization of personnel policy directed at the increasing of competitiveness of the University and providing with high qualified specialists by means of system of human resources management, promoting the highest possible realization of the university staff potential, increasing the contentment of the staff with conditions of work and professional activity.

Department of Administrative Personnel Work is subjected to the executive director and interacts with all the structural subdivisions of the university.

The structure of the department includes the following departments:

– Acting Head of the Personnel Development Department – Tumenbaeva Aliya Bisengalievna

– Acting Head of the Personnel Accounting Departmen – Gulzhainara Turarovna Alshenova

Contact phone number: 8 (7132)907792,e-mail: [email protected]
Address: Aktobe city, Maresyeva street, 68 , main building, office 102.


1. To conclude an employment contract, the following documents are required:

1.1. Identity card or passport (birth certificate for persons under the age of sixteen). Oralmans present an oralman certificate issued by local executive bodies;

1.2. residence permit or stateless person certificate (for foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan) or refugee certificate;

1.3. Education document:- Diploma of education

– Diploma of academic degree- Diploma of degree

– Diploma of academic title

– Certificate of professional development for the last 5 years

– Specialist certificate with qualification category assignment

– Specialist certificate, admission to clinical practice

1.4.document confirming labor activity (for persons with seniority);

1.5.document on a preliminary medical examination (086 f), certificate of a neuropsychiatric dispensary and narcological dispensary on the presence or absence of information on the commission of a criminal offense: murder, intentional harm to health, against public health and morality, sexual integrity, for extremist or terrorist crimes, human trafficking.

1.7. about work part-time with another employer, the employee submits a certificate of the nature and working conditions of the main place of work (place of work, position, working conditions)

2. The list of documents required for concluding an employment contract when attracting foreign employees of a state body is determined in accordance with the procedure for attracting foreign workers approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. An employer shall not have the right to demand documents not provided for by paragraph 1 of this article, with the exception of cases provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– A personal sheet for personnel accounting (fill out personally)

-Autobiography (by hand) Pension agreement

– Driving license (for drivers)

– Pension certificate (for pensioners)

– Military ID (for military personnel)

– Disability certificate (first and second group)

– 20-digit number bank account code (People’s Bank)

– ¾ photo