Egypt conference

The representative of WKMOMU participated in the 12th international conference on breast cancer, gynecology and immunology.
The largest and most prestigious conference in Africa and the Middle East was held January 9-10 in Cairo (Egypt) and became the platform for the release of thousands of publications – the expected news about cancer research.

The multidisciplinary event brought together more than 2,000 health professionals from 80 countries seeking to provide optimal cancer treatment for patients.
PhD doctoral student of the specialty “Medicine” Aitmagambetova Marzhan Altynbekovna was presented by WKMOMU at the conference.

The supervisors of the doctoral candidate are doctor of medical sciences,professor Bekmukhambetov E.Zh. and c.m.s.,associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Smagulova G.A.She made the oral report on the topic “Results of genetic screening of herminal mutations in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes in patients with breast cancer in the Aktobe region of west Kazakhstan” and presented a poster report “Indicators of some immunoglobulins in breast cancer”.

Aitmagambetova Marzhan won the Travel Grant, which includes additional accommodation, registration and $ 500 for the best thesis.
PhD doctoral student Aitmagambetova M.A thanks to his scientific supervisors, as well as to the head of the project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zheksenov Azhar Nikolaevna for the opportunity to attend the conference.