Phthisiology and dermatovenereology department – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Phthisiology and dermatovenereology department

Management: Dilmagambetov Daniyar Saruarovich

Academic degree/title: Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor.

Graduate of the Aktobe State Medical Academy in 1998. Upon completion of the postgraduate course at the NCTP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2002, he defended his thesis on the topic: «Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of newly diagnosed tuberculosis of respiratory organs in the presence of primary drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis» in the specialty: 14.00.26 – phthisiology. In 2009, he was awarded the academic title of Associate professor. Phthisiatrician of the highest category.

Publications: 136 scientific and practical works, including 4 articles (Scopus), 2 pre-patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 textbook, 8 co-authored textbooks, 1 methodological recommendations.

Scientific priorities: the problem of drug-resistant tuberculosis, improving methods of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.

Personnel composition:

Full Name


Academic degree /

Academic title

Code (code) / specialty

Phthisiology department


Dilmagambetov Daniyar Saruarovich


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

14.00.26 – Phthisiology


Zhangireyev Amangeldy Abdrakhmanovich



Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

14.00.26 – Phthisiology


Almagambetova Altyn Satybaldyevna

Associate Professor

Candidate of Medical Sciences

14.00.26 – Phthisiology


Ermekbayeva Kalzhan Zhaksybayevna


Associate Professor

Master of Medical Sciences

6М11010 – Medicine


Tanzharykova Galiya Nurlanovna


Master of Medical Sciences

6М11010 – Medicine


Zhalimova Orazkul Amanzholovna


Course of dermatovenereology


Iztleuova Gulmira Maratovna

Associate Professor

Candidate of Medical Sciences

14.03.06 – pharmacology, clinical pharmacology


Aliyeva Roza Kinzhigalievna


Candidate of Medical Sciences

14.00.11 – skin and veneral diseases


Zhangireeva Alfiya Zufarovna



Alen Nurgul Nurlankyna


History of creation:

Phthisiology department. In 1961, for the first time in Aktyubinsk State Medical Institute (AkSMI), under the department of faculty therapy, a phthisiology course was established. The organizer and the first head of the course was Cand.Med.Sc. A.G. Kosenko (1961-1963).

In subsequent years, headed the department: Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor А.M. Ahmedov (1964-1968); Doc.Med.Sc., Professor R.N. Vyukova (1968-1981); Cand.Med.Sc., Professor A.A. Uzbekova (1981-1982, 1997-1999); Doc.Med.Sc., Professor K.I. Volkova (1982-1991); Doc.Med.Sc., Professor A.A. Zhangireyev (1993-1997); Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor A.A. Kenzhebayev (1999-2002); Doc.Med.Sc. A.S. Dosbayev (2002-2003, 2010-2011, 2013-2017); Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor K.B. Mekebay (2003-2005); Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor D.S. Dilmagambetov (2005-2010, 2011-2013 and from 2017 to the present).

Since 1973, a graduate of AkSMI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Zhangireev has been working at the department, in the period 1997-1999, he headed the National Center for Tuberculosis Problems (NCTP) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the leadership of A.A. Zhangireyev implemented a new round of tuberculosis measures in the republic, introduced the National Tuberculosis Control Program based on WHO recommendations. Since 2018 he has been working as a professor in the department.

In different years they worked at the department of phthisiology: Cand.Med.Sc. S.A. Moldasheva; Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor T.B. Kunurkuljayev; Cand.Med.Sc. E.B. Niyazov; Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor A.S. Stambekov; Cand.Med.Sc. M.I. Tuyakov; Cand.Med.Sc. K.T. Dzhaisheva; M.K. Nazarbayeva; S.S. Imagambetova; B.S. Baiganov; T.P. Beisembaev; B.S. Baysalbayev and et al.

Course of dermatovenereology. The department of dermatovenereology as an independent department of AkSMI, was organized in 1961. The first head of the department of dermatovenereology was Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor S.G. Kozbagarov (1961-1974). In subsequent years the department headed by: Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor A.M. Maldybaev (1974-1976); Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor А.Ya. Felker (1976-1993); Cand.Med.Sc., Professor I.K. Mirealeev (1993-2006).

In 2005, in connection with the inclusion of the dermatovenereology course in the department, the department of phthisiology was renamed the department of phthisiology and dermatovenereology. The responsible assistant for the course of dermatovenerology was Zh.N. Zharasova (2007-2017). Since 2017, the responsible associate professor for the course is Cand.Med.Sc. G.M. Iztleuova

Since 1974, a graduate of AkSMI, an experienced teacher-mentor, a brilliant clinician, Cand.Med.Sc., Professor R.K. Alieva, has been working at the department. In different years they worked at the department of dermatovenereology: Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor V.S. Sinekop; Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor Ya.I. Bondarevsky; Cand.Med.Sc., Associate professor O.Sh. Khamzina; G.N. Isalieva and et al.

Aim: Acquisition and improvement of knowledge and skills of students in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine and modern achievements of therapeutic, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical technologies.


The medical work is carried out in close cooperation with the doctors of the clinic. A large volume of medical-consultative and organizational-methodical measures is being implemented. Clinical questions are reflected in the curricula.

Teaching and methodical work is the most important part of the activity of the teaching staff. The training is conducted using the latest scientific data with elements of evidence-based medicine and modern pedagogical technologies. Improvement of the pedagogical process is based on extensive independent work of students, contributing to the formation of clinical thinking. The creative potential of the faculty of the department is realized in scientific work together with employees of clinical sites.

Along with this, the department implements residency programs in the following specialties: 7R01151 «Phthisiology of adult, children», 7R01112 «Dermatovenereology of adult, children» and additional medical education to improve the skills of doctors, as well as primary health care specialists on topical issues of phthisiology and dermatovenereology.

The department is staffed with highly qualified specialists with the necessary pedagogical experience, medical and scientific experience.


Scientific works of the department are devoted to many topical problems of phthisiopulmonology and dermatovenereology, which were reflected in monographs, executed and defended dissertations.

Students perform scientific research work, deliver reports at meetings of the department, scientific student conferences.

In the period 2020-2023, the department carried out scientific and technical project within the framework of the main scientific direction of intra-university grant funding on the topic: “Relapses of respiratory tuberculosis: monitoring and causes contributing to the development of tuberculosis”.


Phthisiology department: clinical base – RSE «Aktobe Regional Phthisiopulmonology Center» on REJ

Adress: Aktobe city, Zhambyl st. 1a

Office number: +7(7132)40-86-73

e-mail: [email protected]

Course of dermatovenereology: clinical base – “KGB” Dermatovenerological Center

Adress: Aktobe city, Sherniyaz st. 59

Office number: +7(7132)22-24-43

e-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of the Department of Phthisiology

Faculty of the course of dermatovenerology

Educational process

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