Department Day

The Department of Public health held a “Department day” among the students Public health and Nursing faculty.
Associate professor Kaldybayev Keulimzhai Kadyrovich told about the history and achievements. Also masters Kuspangalieva G. S., Taushanova M. K., Kurganbekova M. B., and 3-year doctoral student Aitmaganbet P. Zh. addressed a meeting.

Teacher Kimatova K. N. has got a master’s degree in England at the “Bolashak” program and returned to her Department and to continue teaching and research, now she is studying at doctoral degree. She spoke about her studies in London, called for students to grasp the science and work in motherland.

Students of the faculty of Public health and General medicine conducted a quiz, performed folk dances, sang songs in Kazakh and English, and read poems. The most active students were Begendikov Nurlan, Ibragimova Kamilla, Konyrov Ibrahim, Kulniyazova Aida, Amangalieva Samal, kydyrbayeva Arai, Bolatbekova Raushan, Bali (India).