The 70th anniversary of Professor Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich

April 16, 2020 Professor of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University Internal Medicine No. 2 department Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich will celebrate the 70th birthday.
Zholdin B.K. was born in the Baiganin region, after graduating Aktobe State Medical Institute for distribution, he began his career as a general practitioner in the Turgai Regional Hospital.
From 1975 to 1977 he studied in clinical residency in the specialty “Therapy”. From 1979 to the present, he has been working at WKMOMU, having gone from an assistant to the dean of DIF and the head of the department.

In 1998, Bekbolat Kulzhanovich led by Professor Zaslavsky R.M. defended PhD thesis on chronomedicine and chronotherapy: “Clinical, pharmacological and chronobiological studies of isosorbide-5-mononitrate preparations in patients with coronary heart disease.” He made an invaluable contribution to the study of the chronopharmacodynamics of antianginal drugs, the epidemiology of chronic noncommunicable diseases, chronic heart failure, and participated in studies conducted under the auspices of WHO, EOQ: STEPS, EUROASPIRE V, HF-III (heart failure). The results of his scientific research were reflected in 258 published works, among which 5 teaching aids, 3 rational proposals, more than 18 publications on improving the educational process. The results of scientific research are presented in peer-reviewed publications (LANCET, NATURE). In 1999, Zholdin B.K. awarded the academic title of associate professor, in 2007 – professor.

Professor Zholdin B.K. is a member of the Presidium of the Association of Therapists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian and European Society of Cardiology, the Society of Specialists in Heart Failure, Director of the AF Association of Cardiologists of the RK, Chief Freelance Clinical Pharmacologist of ARHA.

Professor Zholdin B.K. prepared the group of students: 97 clinical residents and residents, 3 postgraduates, 2 doctoral students, 2 master’s students who work in different parts of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad countries. He awarded with the badge “Kazakhstan Respublicasy Densaulyk saktau isinyn uzdygine”, the badge “Y.Altynsarin” for significant successes in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, is the winner of the competition in the nomination of the Academy “Daryndy ustaz”, in the nomination “Үzdik dariger”, was awarded the akim prize “Shapagat”, and the holder sign “Ak Zhurek”, “Cardiologiya salasyn kairatkery” Association of Cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012), awarded the medal “Veteran truda” (2019).

Professor Zholdin B.K. meets his anniversary in the prime of creativity and energy.
Employees of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2, university employees, colleagues, students, and doctors heartily congratulate Professor Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich on his 70th birthday and sincerely wish him good health, long years of eventful life, new productive achievements, the implementation of all plans and further creative success!