Жексенова Ажар Николаевна
Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology since 2015, Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 1995, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of the Aktobe State Medical Institute. Left as an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology. During her career, she deservedly held the positions of teacher, senior teacher, associate professor and head of the department according to the competition.
In 2010 defended her Ph.D. dissertation. She is the author of more than 80 scientific papers, 2 monographs, author and co-author of 6 textbooks. Publications: 9 (Scopus), Hirsch index 2. Head of the scientific and technical project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for grant funding (2018-2020) and leading researcher at the Scientific and Technical Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021); head of 4 student intra-university scientific and technological projects (2016-2017; 2022-2023). 6 master’s degrees graduated. Awards – “Algys” from the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Kayyrbekova (2013); badges from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the development of healthcare” (2019 ), “Excellence in healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2022), “Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan enbek sinirgen kyzmetkeri” (2023), “For contribution to the development of the university” NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (2022); Diploma 1st place in the nomination “Best teacher of theoretical departments” (2023).
Personnel composition
Mukyshova Gulbanu Demekbaevna, Master of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Department
Kandygulova Gulnara Zhuldykairovna, candidate of medical sciences,, senior lecturer of the Department
Zhylkybekova Aliya Kalievna, PhD doctoral student
Alieva Lida Muzaparovna, Master of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department
Egizbaeva Dina Kozhabaevna, Master of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department
Akhmetova Uldai Zhaksybaevna master of medical sciences, senior lecturer of the Department
Nurseitova Totygul Hairollakyzy Master of Medical Sciences, teacher
Nurymova Gulnar Kentaevna, teacher of the Department
Auezova Darigul Saynovna, teacher of the Department
Shorina Gulnar Zhakenovna, office manager
Organization and conduct of educational, methodological and educational work with students and residents in accordance with educational programs.
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of master’s and doctoral programs, as well as improving their qualifications by conducting training seminars and master classes.
Preparation and conduct of research, as well as the implementation of the results obtained in the main scientific areas of the department’s activities within the framework of scientific intra-university, republican, and international projects.
Work to improve the educational process and accumulate new scientific knowledge.
Development and implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process, development of external relations with employers and educational and healthcare authorities.
History of creation
The founder of the department is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mamanova Khalida Yesengulovna, headed the Department from 1959 to 1977. In August 1959, the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan instructed Ph.D. Khalide Yesengulovna Mamanova to organize the Department of Pathophysiology of the Aktobe State Medical Institute . Based on the scientific work carried out, the following was defended: doctoral dissertation – Mamanova H.E. “Isohemagglutinins and heterohemagglutinins as nonspecific factors of reactivity of the human and animal body” (1968), candidate theses: K.U. Kasenov (1968), V.I. Konstantinov (197 1), Zh.S. Sundetov (1973), U.I. Iskazieva (1975), T.B. Begalin (1977), Yu.I. Budchanov (1982).
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kozhantai Urazovich Kasenov ( 1977 -1999). Under his leadership, research was carried out on the effect of snake venoms on the immunological reactivity of the body. Since 1999 the Department was headed by candidate of medical sciences, professor Omarova Kulyash Primzhanovna . Veterans of the Department: Iskazieva Ulbolsyn Ishmatovna candidate of medical sciences, professor of the department, Started as an assistant at the Department under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kh.E. Mamanova . Sundetov Zholdykair Sundetovich is an experienced teacher and experimenter . During the period of his work at the department, more than 100 scientific papers were published.
Main directions the activities of the Department of Pathological Physiology: scientific, educational and educational are carried out through classes and lectures in 3 languages in all specialties.
Currently, the Department employs 2 candidates of science, 1 PhD doctoral student (3 years of study), 5 masters of medicine. Every year, teaching staff undergo advanced training courses in their specialty, innovative teaching methods, and mastery of foreign languages.
Teachers of the Department constantly improve and update information and didactic materials for lectures and practical classes, using modern technologies, improve their professional level as part of increasing the educational activities of the department. In recent years, the Department has been actively working to implement the university’s academic mobility program. Employees of the Department offline ( Zhylkybekova A.K., in 2019) and online (Aliyeva L.M. in 2020) conducted lectures and practical classes on pathophysiology in English with students of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva.” The department actively cooperates in educational and scientific areas with medical universities from far and near abroad. Among them: I Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Russian National Medical University. Pirogov, Moscow, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.
The department organized and held: in the 2018-2019 academic year, a conference with international participation “Education and science without borders: fundamental and applied research”, dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the founder of the department of pathological physiology and WWII participant and medical scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor H.E. Mamanova”, in 2021-2022 the international student Olympiad “Keys of Pathophysiology”, dedicated to the 65-th anniversary of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University”; V 2021 scientific and practical online conference with international participation “Demographic transition and issues of aging in biochemical and pathophysiological aspects” dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kasenov Kozhantay Urazovich and the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; in the 2022-2023 academic year . student scientific and practical conference with international participation “Scientific steps through innovation and implementation in practice”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University and the celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development.”
Aktobe, st. Maresyeva 68, educational building No. 2, 3rd floor.
Phone : 564691
e-mail: [email protected]