Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Tussupkaliyev Assylbek Balashevich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.
In 1994, he graduated from Aktobe State Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics, completed an internship in Pediatric Surgery.In 2001, he defended his PhD thesis with the NCPiDH of Almaty on the topic “Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal hernias in children”. In 2009, he was awarded the academic title of “Associate Professor”. A doctor of the highest qualification category. He is the chief freelance pediatric surgeon of the Aktobe region. From 2011 to 2017, he worked as the vice-rector for educational Work at the Ospanov ZKSMU.
He has received awards: “Densaulyk aktau isiine koskan ulesi ushin” (2014) and “Densaulyk Aktau isiin uzdigi” (2022) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is the author of more than 90 scientific papers, two textbooks and three original inventions.
Dzhenalaev Bulat Kanapyanovich – MD, Professor of the Department.
Dosmagambetov Sagidulla Primzhanovich – PhD, Professor of the Department.
Baubekov Zhenisbek Tanirbergenovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
Bissaliyev Bauyrzhan Nurniyazovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
Zhalmukhanbetov Kairat Kambarovich – Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Sarsenova Valentina Vladimirovna – Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Lee Dmitry Vitalievich – Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery
Arystanova Gulsim – Office Manager of the Department
History of creation
In connection with the opening of the pediatric faculty at the Aktobe State Medical Institute in 1970, a pediatric surgery course was organized. The course was headed by the dean of the faculty, Associate Professor E.P.Rudin (1970-1974). In 1974, the course was reorganized into the Department of Pediatric Surgery, which was headed by Associate Professor Temirbulat Zhumasilovich Sultanbayev (1974-1986). From 1986 to 2016, Professor Dzhenalaev B.K. headed the department. Since 2016, the head of the department is Associate Professor Tusupkaliev Asylbek Balashevich. Currently, 8 employees work at the department, the degree of settlement is 62%. This is a large and friendly team, professionals who know and love children and their business have gathered here, so there are dreams, hopes and plans for the future.
The main objective of the department is to provide high-quality teaching of pediatric surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, students of the Faculty of General Medicine, as well as residents in order to train highly qualified specialists.
Clinical work – the pediatric Surgery Clinic of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan State Medical University is one of the leading institutions of the Republic and the CIS, where the most important scientific problems of pediatric surgery in the field of thoracic, abdominal surgery, urology, malformations and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, anesthesiology and intensive care are being developed. Ultrasound technology, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, hyperbaric oxygenation, endosurgery methods in the treatment of various diseases of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, retroperitoneal space are used in clinical practice. As part of the exchange of experience and under the visiting professor program, we invited professors Razumovsky A.Yu., Mokrushina O.G., (Moscow), Tsap N.A. (Yekaterinburg), Musaev T.S. (Uzbekistan).
The learning process covers the entire range of modern views on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of treatment of disease and injury, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child’s body.
According to the plan of educational work of the department, the role and priorities of domestic scientists in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of childhood were emphasized in lectures and practical classes (academician of the National Academy of Sciences R.K. Ormantaev K.S., Dzhumabekov T.A. laureates of the State Prize of R.K. Professors A.K.Karabekov and A.E. Yerekeshov, professors B.S. Ormanov, Tursunov K.T.Mardenov A.B., Kotlobovsky V.I., etc.). Meetings of students and residents dedicated to significant dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meetings with leading specialists of the University are held annually.
The scientific and student circle has been organized since the foundation of the department. The students of our scientific circle are regular participants of all the All–Union and Russian conferences: Moscow and Leningrad, Kiev and Tbilisi, Riga and Saratov, Odessa and Baku, Yerevan and Chisinau, Rostov-on-Don and Makhachkala, Kazan and Ufa, Vinnytsia and Tashkent, Barnaul and Ivanovo, Izhevsk hosted the student youth of our and others universities. Numerous medals, certificates and diplomas received by our students at student conferences testify to the high quality of scientific papers.
The staff of the department and the clinic defended 6 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations, received 20 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, published 6 monographs and textbooks, published over 350 scientific articles, abstracts, including 10 methodological recommendations.
Monographs and textbooks “Intraosseous lavage in acute hematogenous osteomyelitis” (K.S.Ormantaev, T.J.Sultanbaev), “Purulent surgical infection in children” (T.J.Sultanbaev, A.I.Lenyushkin) and “Clubfoot in children” (S.S. Berenstein), “Diagnosis and treatment of hydatidous echinococcosis in children” (B.K.Dzhenalaev, D.B. Dzhenalaev), “Endoscopic surgery in children” (A.F.Dronov, V.I. Kotlobovsky), “Peritonitis in children” (A.B.Tusupkaliev) and “Balalar peritonitis” (B.K.Jenalaev, A.B.Tusupkaliev), “Balalardyn zhiti appendicitis” (J.T.Baubekov) are in demand by both students and pediatric surgeons.
Contact information
Southwest-1,471 “Multidisciplinary Regional Children’s Hospital”, administrative building, 3rd floor.
Phone: +77015221273
Email address: [email protected]