Scientometric indicators of scientists

The Department of Natural Sciences disciplines with the Aktobe Regional State University named after Kudaibergen Zhubanov provided a master class on the topic: “Scientometric indicators of scientists” at Webex platform.
Most professors and teachers took part in it. The purpose of the workshop is to explain the main scientometric indicators used in the publication of research results, and share ideas with scientists and exchange experiences.

The master class was held by PhD Zhanturina Nurgul Nigmetovna, Head of the Department of Postgraduate Education of the ARSU named after K. Zhubanov. During the master class the following questions were considered: how do we search author by ID in the Scopus database?, how to work in Publons and what is it for? and answers to other questions of this kind were received.

The participants of the master class noted the relevance of the information received, noted the importance of research in practice in this area, wished them creative success and expressed gratitude.