Name of the project,
Grant No. AP08855535 |
AP08855535 “Development of the online Atlas “Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan” |
Implementation timeline | 01.10.2020-31.12.2022 |
Project Manager | Batyrova Gulnara, PhD |
Abstract |
The stability of the elemental composition of the human body is one of the conditions for its normal functioning. The trace element profile of the living environment is reflected in the bioelement status of the human body. Given the unfavorable environmental situation in the region and the identified imbalances among the child population, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the elemental status of the population and its environment. It is important to make this information available as a web Atlas for the General public and convenient for conducting corrective actions and further research.
To date, the Atlas on the basic status of the population has not been compiled on the territory of Kazakhstan. Geochemical mapping of soils has not been developed before. Mapping the level of distribution of potentially toxic and toxic microelements in the biosubstrates of the population and soils of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan will help to identify areas of environmental risk for the development of environmental-dependent diseases in humans and animals. Therefore, in order to prevent diseases of the population and the growth of the country’s economy, as well as to create a unified base for monitoring microelements, the development of mapping the elemental status of the population and geochemical mapping of soils in the form of an online Atlas on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is relevant and extremely necessary. |
Project goal | Develop an online-Atlas of the elemental status of the population of the Western region of Kazakhstan for monitoring medical and environmental indicators of the population’s health parameters in order to further correct the elemental imbalance. |
Expected results | – for 2020: indicators of the general morbidity of the population of Aktobe and West Kazakhstan regions;
– for 2021: articles in journals recommended by CCFES; development of cartograms of the elemental status of the population of the Aktobe region; – for 2022: publication of the Atlas “Elemental status of the population of Western Kazakhstan”; publication of a monograph; development of maps of the elemental status of the population of Western Kazakhstan; online atlas “Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; participation in international conferences and congresses with the publication of abstracts; publication of articles in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals. |
Research team
1. Batyrova Gulnara, PhD – The project’s supervisor, h-index 4
Scopus Author ID 57195269858 ORCID iD 0000-0001-7970-4059 Web of Science Researcher ID AAP-5352-2020. 2.Tlegenova Zhenisgul, PhD h-index 2 Scopus Author ID 57209708424 ORCID 0000-0002-3707-7365; 3.Kononets Victoria – Master of Medicine h-index 2 Scopus Author ID57222075601 Res ID AAY-5413-2021 ORCID 0000-0002-4666-6794 4. Kudabayeva Khatima, associate professor, h-index 2.Scopus Author ID 56377121100 Researcher ID W-6657-2018 5. Amanzholkyzy Ainur, PhD, h-index 3 Scopus Author ID 57191265817 ORCID iD 0000-0002-1980-9032 6. Umarova Gulmira – Master of Medical Sciences. h-index 4. ORCID iD 0000-0001-7637-113X Scopus Author ID 57193139062 7. Umarov Yeskendir – Master of science in the specialty “Informatics”. h-index 2 ORCID 0000-0002-5661-4023 8. Sarsembin Umbetaly, PhD, h-index 1 ORCID 0000-0002-0796-3737 Scopus Author ID 57199325753 9. Yessengaliyeva Inkara ORCID 0000-0002-3627-5650 10. Rabayeva F.А. |
Achieved results
The dynamics, structure of general and primary morbidity were studied. The relationship between the content of chemical elements in hair and the incidence of adult population has been determined. The content and zonal features of the content of chemical elements in hair were determined. Reference values have been set. Maps of the elemental status of the population and geochemical maps were compiled. An online atlas “Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was developed and put into operation at
The results of the study can be applied in medicine and ecology. The results of the research work have been introduced into practical healthcare in Aktobe, Mangistau, West Kazakhstan and Atyrau oblasts |
Publications in scientific journals | In 2021:
Articles in journals recommended by CCFES: 1. Umarova G.A., Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Batyrova G.A., Kononets V.I., Urgushbaeva G.M. Population morbidity as the main indicator of public health: literature review// West Kazakhstan Medical Journal. – 2020. No. 62 (4). – P.206-214. (in a journal recommended by CCFES) (in Russian) 2. Batyrova G.A., Abdikadirova I.T., Urgushbaeva G.M. Soil contamination with trace elements // Valeology: Densaulyk – Auru – Sauyktyru. – 2020. – № No. 4. – P.19-23 (in a journal recommended by CCFES) (in Kazakh) 3. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A., Kudabayeva Kh.I., Tlegenova Zh.Sh., Kononets V.I., Aitmaganbet P.Zh. Association of boron content in hair with morbidity rates in a boron geochemical province: a cross-sectional study // Population health and habitat – ZNiSO. 2021;(6):41-47. (article in a journal recommended by CCFES (included in the RSCI database)) (in Russian) 4. Batyrova G.A., Amanzholkyzy A., Umarova G.A., Tlegenova Zh.Sh., Kononets V.I., Mamyrbaev A.A., Zharmakhanova G.M. The content of macroelements in the hair of residents of Western Kazakhstan // Questions of biological, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. 2021;24(11):34-41. (in a journal recommended by CCFES (included in the RSCI database)) (in Russian) Articles and abstracts have been published in collections of materials of international conferences: 5. Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Umarova G.A. Assessment of the general morbidity of the adult population of the city of Uralsk of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of abstracts of the conference with international participation “New problems of medical science and prospects for their solutions.” – Dushanbe. – 2021. – P.650.) (in Russian) 6. Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Isaldinova A.N. Indicators of the general morbidity of the population of the city of Aktobe of the Republic of Kazakhstan// in Sat. Materials of the XII Russian (final) scientific and practical conference with international participation of students and young scientists “Avicenna-2021”: in 2 vols. – Novosibirsk: CPI NSMU, 2021. – V. 2. – P.3-4.) (in Russian) 7. Isaldinova A.N., Aitmaganbet P.Zh. Evaluation of primary morbidity in the adult population of Aktobe // in Sat. Materials of the LX international scientific conference of students and young scientists “Science: yesterday, today, tomorrow”. – Aktobe. – 2021. – P.148.) (in Russian) 8. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Tlegenova Zh.Sh., Kudabayeva Kh.I., Aitmaganbet P.Zh. Features of the bioelemental status of the population of an industrially developed region // Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Aspects and innovations in biotechnology of the environment and bioenergy”. – Almaty. – 2021. – P. 115-119. (in Russian) 9. Serikbaeva N.R. Lukpanova S.M. Aitmaganbet P.Zh. Scientific adviser Batyrova G.A. Comparative analysis of the content of calcium and phosphorus in women with benign neoplasms of the mammary glands // Collection of materials of the conference with international participation “New problems of medical science and prospects for their solutions.” – Dushanbe. – 2021. – P.664. (in Russian) 10. Batyrova G., Kononets V., Umarova G., Umarov Ye., Tlegenova Zh. Iodine content in the hair of the adult population of the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its interaction with coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a cross-sectional study. //International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals/ Abstract book Online Meeting of 36th GMS, 7th ISZB, TEMA17 and 13th ISTERH, August 2 – 6. 2021. P. 61 11. Batyrova G., Kononets V., Umarova G., Umarov Ye., Tlegenova Zh. Zinc content in the hair of residents recovered from COVID-19 in the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals/ Abstract book Online Meeting of 36th GMS, 7th ISZB, TEMA17 and 13th ISTERH, August 2 – 6. 2021. P. 93 Articles in scientific and practical journals: 12. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A. The problem of microelement imbalance in the human body Valeology: Densaulyk – Auru – Sauyktyru. – 2021. – №1. -P.15-21. (in Russian) In 2022: Articles in journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus database: 1. Batyrova G., Tlegenova Z., Kononets V., Umarova G., Kudabayeva K., Bazargaliyev Y., Amanzholkyzy A., Umarov Y. Hair Toxic Trace Elements of Residents across the Caspian Oil and Gas Region of Kazakhstan: Cross-Sectional Study // International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. – 2022. – № 19(18). – Р. 11158. (Web of Science – Q2/ Q1; IF – 4,61; Scopus – Percentile 75) 2. Umarova G., Batyrova G., Tlegenova Z., Kononets V., Balmagambetova S., Umarov Y., Yessengaliyeva I., Mamyrbayev A. Essential Trace Elements in Scalp Hair of Residents across the Caspian Oil and Gas Region of Kazakhstan // Toxics. – 2022. – № 10(7). – Р. 364. (Web of Science – Q2; IF – 4,47; Scopus – Percentile 62) 3. Batyrova G.A., Tlegenova Zh.Sh., Umarova G.A., Kononets V.I., Umarov E.A., Kudabaeva H.I., Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Amanzholkyzy A. Trace element status of the adult population of the Western Kazakhstan // Human Ecology. – 2021. – №. 11. – P. 42-49. (Scopus – Percentile 30, SGR=0.19) (in Russian) 4.Batyrova G, Kononets V, Amanzholkyzy A, Tlegenova Z, Umarova G. Chromium as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2022 Dec 1;23(12):3993-4003. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.12.3993. PMID: 36579979. 5. Batyrova G, Tlegenova Z, Kononets V, Umarova G, Bazargaliyev Y, Taskozhina G, Kereyeva N, Umarov Y. Content of Essential Trace Elements in the Hair of Residents of the Caspian Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan Who Recovered from COVID-19. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Nov 8;12(11):2734. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12112734. PMID: 36359577; PMCID: PMC9689738. (в журнал Diagnostics Web of Science – Q2; IF – 3.992). Articles in journals recommended by CCFES: 6. Sarsembin U.K., Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Urgushbaeva G.M., Aikenova N.E. Environmental assessment of heavy metal pollution of the soil of Aktobe // Vestnik of Karaganda University. – 2022. – №. 3(107). – P. 109-116. (CCFES MES RK) (in Russian) 7. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A., Aitmaganbet P.Zh., Tlegenova Zh.Sh., Kononets V.I. The content of lithium in the population of the Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its relationship with mental illness: a cross-sectional study // Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after V.M. Bekhterev. – 2021. – No. 4, V.57. – P. 67-75. (CCFES MES RK (included in the RSCI database)) (in Russian) Monographs: 8. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A. Atlas “Elemental status of the population of Western Kazakhstan”. Monograph. – Aktobe. – 2022. 88 p. ISBN 978-601-80722-4-6. (in Russian) 9. Batyrova G.A. Ecological and physiological aspects of the importance of essential trace elements in the human body. Monograph. – Aktobe. – 2022. 192 p. ISBN 978-601-7650-55-1. (in Russian) Articles and abstracts have been published in collections of materials of international conferences: 10. Umarova G.A., Batyrova G.A. Imbalance of macronutrients among the population of the Mangystau region of Western Kazakhstan // in Sat. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (69th annual) dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the years of rural development, tourism of foreign crafts “Achievements and problems of fundamental science and clinical medicine” – 2021. V.2. – P.404-405. (in Russian) 11. Umarova G.A., Batyrova G.A., Mamyrbaev A.A., Shmigelskas K. Relationship of silicon content with diseases of the reproductive system in women of the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems in protecting the reproductive potential of women “. – Nur-Sultan. – 2022.– P.48. (in Russian) 12. Umarova G., Batyrova G., Umarov Y. The content of Cd, Pb, Fe, P in the soil and hair of residents of the city of Aktobe Kazakhstan) // Toxicology Letters. Abstracts of the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) uniting in toxicology. – Maastricht, The Netherlands. – September 18–21, 2022. – S124. 13. Batyrova G., Umarova G., Umarov Y. The content of Cd, Hg, Pb in the hair of men and women of Aktobe region (Western Kazakhstan) // Toxicology Letters. Abstracts of the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) Uniting in toxicology. – Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 18–21, 2022. – S90. 14. Umarov Y., Batyrova G., Umarova G. The distribution of hair’s Be level in West Kazakhstan region using geographic information system (GIS) /Toxicology Letters. Abstracts of the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) Uniting in toxicology. – Maastricht, The Netherlands. – September 18–21, 2022. – S124. |
Security documents | Patent:
1. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A., Batyrov R.K. A method for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the environment on human health. Utility model patent No. 6945. Bulletin number and date No. 15 – 15.04.2022. (in Russian) Certificates of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright: 2. Batyrova G.A., Umarova G.A., Umarov E.A. Map of the content of lithium in the hair of the population of the Aktobe region (Me, µg/g). Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright № 20241 dated 09/14/2021. (in Russian) 3.Batyrova G.A., Sarsembin U.K., Umarova G.A., Esengalieva I.E. Geochemical map of the soil of the Aktobe region according to the content of Cu, Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn. Certificate of entering information into the State Register of Rights to Objects Protected by Copyright No. 26952 dated June 8, 2022. (in Russian) 4.Batyrova G.A. Ecological and physiological aspects of the importance of essential trace elements in the human body. Certificate of entering information into the State Register of Rights to Objects Protected by Copyright No. 29237 dated October 5, 2022. (in Russian) |
List of publications within the framework of a scientific and technical project with grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 on the topic: IRN AP08855535 Development of an online atlas “Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Articles in journals recommended by CCFES:
1.Умарова ГА, Айтмаганбет ПЖ, Батырова ГА, Кононец ВИ, Ургушбаева ГМ. Заболеваемость населения как главный индикатор общественного здоровья: обзор литературы// West Kazakhstan Medical Journal. – 2020. №62 (4). – С.206-214.
2.Батырова Г.А., Умарова Г.А., Умаров Е.А., Кудабаева Х.И., Тлегенова Ж.Ш., Кононец В.И., Айтмаганбет П.Ж. Ассоциация содержания бора в волосах с показателями заболеваемости в борной геохимической провинции: поперечное исследование. Здоровье населения и среда обитания – ЗНиСО. 2021;(6):41-47. (входит в базу RSCI)
3.Батырова Г.А., Аманжолкызы А., Умарова Г.А., Тлегенова Ж.Ш., Кононец В.И., Мамырбаев А.А., Жармаханова Г.М. Содержание макроэлементов в волосах жителей Западного Казахстана // Вопросы биологической, медицинской и фармацевтической химии. 2021;24(11):34-41. (входит в базу RSCI)
4.Батырова Г.А., Абдикадирова И.Т., Ургушбаева Г.М. Загрязнение почвы микроэлементами // Валеология: Денсаулық – Ауру – Сауықтыру. – 2020. – №4. – С.19-23
Articles in scientific and practical journals:
1.Батырова Г.А., Умарова Г.А., Умаров Е.А. Проблема дисбаланса микроэлементов в организме человека // Валеология: Денсаулық – Ауру – Сауықтыру. – 2021. – №1. -С.15-21
Батырова Г.А., Умарова Г.А., Умаров Е.А. Карта содержания лития в волосах населения Актюбинской области (Ме, мгк/г). Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом № 20241 от 14.09.2021.
Articles and abstracts have been published in collections of materials of international conferences:
1.Батырова Г.А., Умарова Г.А., Тлегенова Ж.Ш., Кудабаева Х.И., Айтмағанбет П.Ж. Особенности биоэлементного статуса населения индустриально развитого региона // Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции «Аспекты и инновации биотехнологии окружающей среды и биоэнергетики». – Алматы. – 2021. – С. 115-119
2.Серикбаева Н.Р. Лукпанова С.М. Айтмаганбет П.Ж. Научный руководитель Батырова Г.А. Сравнительный анализ содержания кальция и фосфора у женщин с доброкачественными новообразованиями молочных желез // Сборник материалов конференции с международным участием «Новые проблемы медицинской науки и перспективы их решений». – Душанбе. – 2021. – С.664.
3.Айтмаганбет П.Ж., Умарова Г.А. Оценка общей заболеваемости взрослого населения г.Уральска Республики Казахстан // Сборник тезисов конференции с международным участием «Новые проблемы медицинской науки и перспективы их решений». – Душанбе. – 2021. – С.650.
4.Айтмаганбет П.Ж., Исалдинова А.Н. Показатели общей заболеваемости населения города Актобе Республики Казахстан// в сб. Материалы XII Российской (итоговой) научно-практической конференции с международным участием студентов и молодых ученых «Авиценна–2021»: в 2 т. – Новосибирск : ИПЦ НГМУ, 2021. – Т. 2. – С.3-4.
5.Исалдинова А.Н., Айтмаганбет П.Ж. Оценка первичной заболеваемости взрослого населения г. Актобе// в сб. Материалы LХ международной научной конференции студентов и молодых ученых «Наука: вчера, сегодня, завтра». – Актобе. – 2021. – С.148.
6.Batyrova G., Kononets V., Umarova G., Umarov Ye., Tlegenova Zh. Iodine content in the hair of the adult population of the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its interaction with coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a cross-sectional study. //International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals/ Abstract book Online Meeting of 36th GMS, 7th ISZB, TEMA17 and 13th ISTERH, August 2 – 6. 2021. P. 61
7.Batyrova G., Kononets V., Umarova G., Umarov Ye., Tlegenova Zh. Zinc content in the hair of residents recovered from COVID-19 in the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals/ Abstract book Online Meeting of 36th GMS, 7th ISZB, TEMA17 and 13th ISTERH, August 2 – 6. 2021. P. 93
8.Умарова Г.А., Батырова Г.А. Дисбаланс макроэлементов среди населения Мангистауской области Западного Казахстана// в сб. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (69-ой годичной), посвященные 30-летию Государственной независимости Республики Таджикистан и годам развития села, туризма инородных ремесел «Достижения и проблемы фундаментальной науки и клинической медицины» – 2021. Т.2. С.404-405