Association of Graduates – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Association of Graduates


To unite graduates into a dynamic and interested community for the educational, scientific and cultural development of the WKMU, the development of professional, creative and scientific ties within the community and with the university, increasing the competitiveness of the university, preserving and enhancing the values ​​and uniqueness of university education, culture and traditions.


Assistance in professional development, self-realization, achievement of success and social promotion of graduates of WKMU by forming and strengthening the corporate spirit of all generations of graduates, providing support in providing the material and technical base of the university, financial stability of Alma Mater.


– to promote the preservation and development of the best traditions of the university;

– support the initiatives of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, staff and alumni of the university, aimed at developing new directions in science and education;

– to carry out activities aimed at attracting funds from legal entities and individuals on a gratuitous basis in the form of sponsorship, grants;

– participate in financing educational, scientific and cultural events, research, conferences, symposia, seminars, including international ones, related to the main directions of the university’s activities;

– to participate in the organization and financing of business trips of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, staff and graduates of the university for training, retraining and advanced training, including abroad;

– promote the free exchange of information between the members of the Association and stakeholders;

– provide support in strengthening the interaction of the university with commercial and non-commercial organizations of Kazakhstan;

– contribute to the development of international cooperation of the university and strengthening its prestige in the world educational space.

The composition “Association of graduates”

Full namePosition
1Kurmangaliev K.Executive Director
2Koishibaev A.Association member
3Iztleuov M.Association member
4Dilmagambetov S.Association member
5Begunov V.Association member
6Zhailybaev M.Association member
7Dosimov Zh.Association member
8Shikanova S.Association member
9Bermagambetova S.Association member

Contacts and requisites

The full name of the organization: Public Association “Association of graduates of WKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

Head of the organization:

Executive Director: Kurmangaliev Kairat

Address: 030019, Aktobe, st. Maresyeva 68, building 1

 Phone: +7 (7132) 54-42-89, 8-701-346-02-61

Bank details:

БИН 110640021630, 030019, Aktobe, st. Maresyeva 68/1

ИИК KZ518560000004911058 BankCenterCredit, БИК KCJBKZKX

© 2025 Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті | Дизайн и разработка Медиа-агентства "АктобеИНФО"