Begalina Dana Toleukhanovna, Master of Public Health, acting associate professor of the Department of General Medical Practice No.2, doctor of the highest category in the specialty “Dermatovenerology”, certificate in the specialty “General practitioner”, certified instructor in BLS, ACLS, PALS ANA.
Total work experience: since 1997. Teaching experience: 18 years.
He has been leading the work of the center since 2023.
An expert in medical simulation training. Member of ROSOMED since 2023.
Personnel of the Center:
Methodologist – Asel Yerbolatovna Sarkulova
Coach – Sembaeva Karshiga Kozhasovna, certified BLS instructor
Coach – Doskabulova Daria Toleuovna, PhD
Coach – Baki Aruzhan Madikyzy, certified instructor in BLS, ACLS, PALS
Coach – Gubai Nazgul Asanovna, pediatrician, certified instructor in BLS, ACLS, PALS
Coach – Baikangurova Makpal Aitzhanovna, pediatrician
Office manager – Kulbarakova Laura Bakytkereevna
Engineer – Sultanbekov Yerlan Askarovich
Technical engineer – Kuatbayev Amirzhan
History of creation: The Center for Practical Skills (CPN) was organized in 2007 in accordance with the concept of reforming medical and pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The center is a structural unit of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU, which carries out work on the development and delivery of practical skills by students, interns, residents on training dummies and virtual simulators.
Objective: To organize a safe educational environment for the formation of practical and clinical competencies of students and the training of medical personnel using simulation training methods.
The activity of the CPN is to provide an appropriate educational environment in classrooms and create conditions as close as possible to real ones.
The Center has 18 classrooms, rooms for debriefing. There are 205 simulators, training dummies and simulators of 4-6 levels of realism in the main clinical disciplines. The children’s (neonatal) practical skills center is located on the basis of the Multidisciplinary Regional Children’s Hospital.
– Provision of conditions and control of methodological support for the final certification of practical skills by the method of an objective structured clinical examination (OCE);
– Implementation of the principles of continuous professional training, conducting training seminars for university teaching staff on simulation learning technologies;
– Organization of CPN as a base for innovative forms of education implemented by clinical departments of the University;
– Assistance in improving the quality of clinical training of medical personnel;
– Modernization of the educational process in accordance with the implementation of the strategy for the development of educational activities of the university.
A training center of the American Heart Association has been opened on the basis of the CPN, where training is conducted according to BLS, ACLS, PALS, PHTLS standards with the issuance of an international certificate.
68, Maresyev Street
2nd academic building, 2nd floor
Children’s (Neonatal) Practical Skills Center (branch)
Multidisciplinary Regional Children’s Hospital,
471a Shestikhatka Street
Mail: [email protected]