Nursing Center Excellence – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Nursing Center Excellence

The Center of Nursing Excellence, which is a structural unit of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University was established in January 2021 within the framework of the international project entitled ProInCa “Promoting the Innovation Capacity of Higher Education in Nursing during Health Services Transition”. CNE can be considered as a networked organizational structure within its main electronic platform

Electronic platform CNE consisting of free web page for teamwork and secure e-learning platform Moodle, is a service of all kinds of information for nurses, students, nursing teachers, nursing researchers and other interested people in nursing.

The mission of CNE is to contribute to improving nursing practice by empowering and the capacity of nurses to improve the quality of healthcare.

Functions of the Center:
– performance of work in accordance with the annual work plan approved by the Consortium Council;
-organization of conferences, round tables, online / offline meetings on nursing at the national level;
-interaction with local health authorities, regional professional nursing associations, health organizations within the CNE;
-providing content for the CNE platform on evidence-based nursing, research and nursing leadership;
– expansion of the CHE;
-professional development of nurses of all levels.

The staff includes a leader, a methodologist, a specialist.

Kurganbekova Meruyert Bahbergenovna

Head of the Center for advanced nursing

Nugmanova Gulmira Demegenovna

Methodologist at the Center for Advanced Nursing

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