Department for Scientific Work – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department for Scientific Work

Department of Scientific Work of WKMOMU carries out and coordinates research work at the university. The Department is a single scientific structure that unites all research units of the university, including faculties, scientific and practical center (SPC), etc.

The Department is guided in its activities by the legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of WKMOMU.

Scientific research is the basis for the long-term successful development of the university in modern conditions, the foundation for the development of science-intensive business and the training of personnel of the highest scientific qualifications.

The main objective of the Department of Scientific Work:

 ◊ providing organizational, methodological, informational and analytical support for the scientific activities of the University for participation in competitions and performance of work on intra-university, republican, regional and international scientific projects, grants and programs


 ♦ Development of a strategic plan for the development of university science

 ♦ Implementation of scientific and analytical work

 ♦ Organization of symposia, congresses, conferences, seminars and other events

 ♦ Initiation of new scientific projects at WKMOMU, monitoring and searching for competitions for scientific projects

 ♦ Organizational, methodological and scientific support of projects in the process of their implementation

 ♦ РWork with scientific projects at the final stage (preparation of reports, scientific documentation for scientific projects)

Contact Information


 ♦ 030019 Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Maresyev st., 68, Office 226




 ♦ Mon. – Fri. 09:00 – 18:00

© 2025 Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті | Дизайн и разработка Медиа-агентства "АктобеИНФО"