Results of the competition for vacant positions – Page 3 – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Results of the competition for vacant positions

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the Department of Economics and Planning of NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

Following the results of the competition, Burumbayeva Ainur was elected to the vacant position of head of the Department Economics and Planning of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 14 of 01.11.2022).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the legal department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Mendibai Serik Zhumauly was elected to the vacant position of head of the legal department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 13 of 19.07.2022)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility Department of the NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Bisenova Tolkyn Erkinovna was elected to the vacant position of the head of the International Cooperation, Projecs and Academic Mobility Department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 13 of 19.07.2022).

Results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the dean of the international medical faculty of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

The competition for the vacant position of the head of the Dean of the international medical faculty of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” was declared invalid (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 12 dated 07/14/2022).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the branch of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” in Uralsk 

According to the results of the competition Abenova Marina Muratovna is recommended for the vacant position of the of the head of the branch of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” in Uralsk (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 11 dated 21.06. 2022)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of digitalization and processes automation of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”  

The competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of digitalization and processes automation of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” is considered invalid (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 11 dated 21.06. 2022)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of Kyzyl-Orda branch of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Seitova Aigul Amangeldiyevna is recommended for the vacant position of the head of Kyzyl-Orda branch of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 10 dated 13.05. 2022)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of international co-operation, projects and academic mobility of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Yerniyazova Zhanat Tulegenova is recommended for the vacant position of the of head of the department of international co-operation, projects and academic mobility of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 10 dated 13.05. 2022)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the operational and economic department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Oinarov Asylbek Baktybayevich is recommended for the vacant position of the head of the operational and economic department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 10 dated 13.05. 2022)

Results of the competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “(minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.9 dated 12.05.2022y.)

  1. To recommend Ayaganov Dinmukhamed Nurniyazovich for the vacant position of the head of the department of Neurology with the course of Psychiatry and Narcology;
  2. To recommend Utepkaliyeva Aigul Pazylbekovna for the vacant position of the head of the department of Neurology;
  3. To recommend Zharmakhanova Gulmira Makhambetyarovna for the vacant position of the head of the department of natural sciences disciplines;
  4. To recommend Zhumaganbetov Talgat Smagulovich for the vacant position of the head of the department of socio-humanitarian disciplines;
  5. Tolepbergeni Zhanar Toleubaikyzy is not recommended for the vacant position of the head of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines; in case of consent, recommend for a lower vacant position of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines.
  6. To recommend Amanzholkyzy Ainur for the vacant position of the Associate Professor of the department of Normal Physiology;
  7. To recommend Batyrova Tamara Zhaksygaliyevna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of Normal Physiology;
  8. To recommend Kanlybayeva Aiman Utibayevna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of languages;
  9. To recommend Berdalinova Akzhenis Krimgeryevna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of Histology;
  10. To recommend Balmaganbetova Farida Kikbayevna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of Normal Physiology;
  11. To recommend Ramazanova Akmaral Adiyetovna for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of Neurology with the course of Psychiatry and Narcology;
  12. To recommend Akhmetzhanova Moldir Bekmaganbetkyzy for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of General medical practice #2;
  13. To recommend Dosimbetova Moldir Bekbergenovna for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology # 2;
  14. To recommend Zhankulova Asem Bulatovna for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of Pharmacology;
  15. The competition for vacant positions of the assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology#. 2 – 2 un. is to be considered invalid due to the absence of applicants;
  16. The competition for vacant positions of the assistant of the department of Emergency care – 1 un. is to be considered invalid due to the absence of applicants;
  17. The competition for vacant position of the assistant of the department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases – 1 un. is to be considered invalid due to the absence of applicants;
  18. The competition for vacant position of the assistant of the department of surgical children’s dentistry – 1 un. is to be considered invalid due to the absence of applicants;
  19. The competition for vacant position of the assistant of the department of surgical diseases #2 – 1 un. is to be considered invalid due to the absence of applicants.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Kereyev Aidar Kuralovich is recommended for the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 8 dated 11.05. 2022)

Results of the competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “(minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.7 dated 11.05.2022y.)

  1. To recommend Tusupkaliyev Asylbek Bolashevich for the vacant position of the head of the department of Children’s surgery;
  2. To recommend Dilmagambetov Daniyar Saruarovich for the vacant position of the head of the department of Phthisiology and Dermatovenerology;
  3. To recommend Kaldybayeva Aiman Turganbayevna for the vacant position of the head of the department of Normal Physiology;
  4. To recommend Saduov Mukhtar Abdualiyevich for the vacant position of the head of the department of Emergency care;
  5. To recommend Shikanova Svetlana Yuryevna for the vacant position of the head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1;
  6. To recommend Zhetimekov Yerkin Tleshovich for the vacant position of the head of the department of Physical education;
  7. To recommend Zhailyubayev Mukhtar Sainovich for the vacant position of the Associate Professor of the department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy;
  8. To recommend Balmagambetova Aru Dyusenovna for the vacant position of the Associate Professor of the department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with operative surgery;
  9. To recommend Karimova Bakyt Zharylgapovna for the vacant position of the Associate Professor of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1;
  10. To recommend Sydyk Leniana Syrazhkyzy for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of languages;
  11. To recommend Syrlybayeva Lyazzat Maksatovna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of natural science disciplines;
  12. To recommend Mukyshova Gulbanu Demekbayevna for the vacant position of the senior teacher of the department of Pathologic Physiology;
  13. To recommend Kasayeva Nazerke Yerbolatovna for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2;
  14. To recommend Zame Yuliya Anatolyevna for the vacant position of the assistant of the department of Children’s diseases with neonatology №1;

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the operational and economic department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “.

According to the results of the competition Aubekerov Kairat Kuanyshevich is recommended for the vacant position of the head of ​​ the operational and economic department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 6 dated 11.04. 2022 y.)

Results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the Medical Center of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Iztleuov Yerbolat Maratovich is recommended for the vacant position of the head of the Medical Center of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 6 dated 14.04. 22)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of the NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Turymov Asylbek Beibitshlikovich was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 5 of 17.03.2022).

Results of the competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “(minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.3 dated 28.02.2022y.)

  1. Kudabayeva Khatima Ilyasovna is recommended for the vacant position of Professor of the department of Internal Diseases №1;
  2. Pavlenko Valeriy Petrovich is recommended for the vacant position of Professor of the department of Neurology with the course of Psychiatry and Narcology;
  3. Satybaldiyeva Umit Abulkhairovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of hygienic disciplines with professional diseases;
  4. Seitmaganbetova Nazgul Asylbekovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases;
  5. Akhmetova Saule Zhumabayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Pathological anatomy and forensic medicine;
  6. Zharylkasinova Mairamkul Burkutbayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s diseases № 1 with Neonatology;
  7. Zhekeyeva Botagoz Amanzholovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s diseases №. 1 with Neonatology;
  8. Baubekov Zhenisbek Tanirbergenuly is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s surgery;
  9. Isanguzhina Zhamilya Khalimovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s diseases №. 2;
  10. Mukushen Manas Maksatovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of surgical diseases № 1;
  11. Koishibayev Anuar Sultanovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of surgical diseases № 2;
  12. Kelimberdiyev Mirsaid Saubetovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of surgical diseases № 2;
  13. Yelemesov Aset Askarovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of surgical diseases № 2;
  14. Dilmagambetova Gaukhar Saruarovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General medical practice № 2;
  15. Nurbaulina Eleonora Baktybayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General medical practice № 2;
  16. Gubasheva Gulnara Kaisarovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №. 2;
  17. Gaidai Andrey Nikolayevich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №. 2;
  18. Khamidulla Alima Abayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Neurology;
  19. Balmagambetova Saule Kabedayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Oncology;
  20. Urazayev Olzhas Nurlanovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Oncology;
  21. Kereyeva Nurgul Meirimovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Oncology;
  22. Isayev Galymzhan Isayevich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Normal Physiology;
  23. Iztleuova Gulmira Maratovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Phthisiology and Dermatovenerology;
  24. Nurgaliyeva zhansulu Zhumabekkyzy is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Pharmacology;
  25. Musina Aigul Zakariyevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Pharmacology;
  26. Nasukhin Shadyman Baktygereyevich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology;
  27. Abdikadirova Indira Temirkhanovna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Public health and healthcare;
  28. Bisaliyev Bauyrzhan Nurniyazovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s surgery;
  29. Dosimov Arystan Zhumabekovich is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Children’s diseases;
  30. Sakhipova Gulnara Zhetebayevna is recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General medical practice № 1;
  31. The competition for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Neurology with the course of Psychiatry and Narcology of 1 pc.units is considered invalid due to the lack of applicants.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Public Relations Service of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Tazhgulova Inkar Yermekbayevna was elected for the vacant position of the head of Public Relations Service of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.2 dated 18.01. 2022)

Results of the competition for filling vacant position of the chief accountant of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov medical university”

According to the results of the meeting of the competition committee to recommend Aimagambetova Gulshat Danabekovna for the vacant position of chief accountant of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 1 dated 11.01.2022 y.)

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