Results of the competition for vacant positions – Page 4 – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Results of the competition for vacant positions

Results of the competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff ofNJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “(minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 18 dated 23.12.2021y.)

  1. To recommend Biyasilov Nurzhan Seilkhanovich for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Propaedeutics and Internal Diseases;
  2. To recommend Knisarina Malika Maksatovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Psychology;
  3. To recommend Kurmanalina Madina Akdauletovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Surgical and Pediatric Dentistry;
  4. To recommend Galymzhanova Gaukhar Tolesinkyzy for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of chemical disciplines;
  5. To recommend Kononets Victotiya Ivanovna for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of natural science disciplines;
  6. To recommend Akhmetova Ainur Bolatovna for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of natural science disciplines;
  7. To recommend Nurmaganbetova Gulaiym Zhanbyrbaikyzy for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of Epidemiology;
  8. To recommend Urazayeva Aisha Bauyrzhanovnafor the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of Epidemiology;
  9. To recommend Zhumabai NurkanatAsanuly for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department ofnormal and topographic anatomy with operative surgery;
  10. To recommend Akhayeva Ainash Yerzhanovna for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of Histology;
  11. To recommend Doszhanov Zhankeldy Aliuly for the vacant position of teacher of the department of chemical disciplines;
  12. To recommend Aktayeva Yerkezhan Yerkinkyzy for the vacant position of teacher of the department ofnatural science disciplines;
  13. To recommend Kaibagarova Indira Boranbayevna for the vacant position of teacher of the department of Pharmacology;
  14. To recommend Almurzayeva Dayana Talgatkyzy for the vacant position of teacher of the department ofevidence-based medicine and scientific management;
  15. To recommend Nurmagambetova Ayagoz Abdirakhmankyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №.1;
  16. To recommend Kabgygaliyeva Altynai Amandykyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 1;
  17. To recommend Arenova Sholpan Bisengaliyevna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №.2;
  18. Gilmanov Kuandyk Zhardemovich is not recommended for the vacant position of assistant of the department ofdentistry internship and postgraduate education;
  19. To recommend Umurzakova Ainur Ontalapovna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Neurology with a course of psychiatry and narcology;
  20. To recommend Utegenova Aigerim Berkinovna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Neurology;
  21. To recommend Yesenalina Nailya Sailaubaikyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of children surgery;
  22. To recommend Yesengubekova Asemgul Bauyrzhanovna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Pharmacology;
  23. To recommend Yergaliyeva Zhuldyz Amangeldykyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Pharmacology;
  24. To recommend Amanzhanova Aigul Arystanbayevna for the vacant position of assistant of the department ofinfectious diseases and childhood infections;
  25. To recommend Iskakova Aigerim Nabiyevna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of infectious diseases and childhood infections;
  26. To recommend Ziyabilova Meruert Ganikyzy for the vacant position of teacher of the department of normal and topographic anatomy with operative surgery;
  27. To recommend Madenbayeva Akzhan Musilimbekkyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of internal diseases №1 ;
  28. To recommend Mukash Alisher Temirkhankyzy for the vacant position of assistant of the department of surgical diseases №2 ;
  29. To recommend Imanbayeva Akbayan Uksikbayevna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of general medical practice №1;
  30. The competition for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Dentistry of internship and postgraduate education did not take place due to the non-appearance of the applicant KemalovaAdemiKanatkyzy due to leave without pay.

Due to the absence of received applications for participation, the competition for the following vacant positions is recognized as failed:

  1. Professor of the department of Dentistry internship and postgraduate education – 1staff unit;
  2. Associate Professor of the department of Infectious Diseases and Childhood Infections – 1staff unit;
  3. Associate Professor of the department of Phthisiology and Dermatovenerology – 1 staff unit;
  4. Associate Professor of the department of children’s diseases №2- 1 staff unit;
  5. Associate Professor of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2- 1 staff unit;
  6. Associate Professor of the department of Surgical Diseases №2- 1staff unit;
  7. Associate Professor of the department of Evidence-based Medicine and Scientific Management – 3 staff units;
  8. Associate Professor of the department of Family Medicine – 1 staff unit;
  9. Senior teacher of the department of General Hygiene – 2 staff units;
  10. Teacher of the military department – 7 staff units;
  11. Teacher of the department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines – 1staff unit;
  12. Teacher of the department of Histology – 1staff unit;
  13. Teacher of the department of Microbiology, Virology, Immunology – 1 staff unit;
  14. Assistant of the department of Anesthesiology and intensive care – 4 staff units;
  15. Assistant of the department of Oncology – 7 staff units;
  16. Assistant of the department of General practice №2- 11 staff units;
  17. Assistant Professor of the department of internal diseases №2 – 5 staff units;
  18. Assistant of the department of Neuro-surgery with a course of traumatology – 4 staff units;
  19. Assistant of the department of Family Medicine – 2 staff units;
  20. Assistant of the department of Phthisiology and dermatology units -4 staff units;
  21. Assistant of the department of therapeutic and orthopedic stomatology – 1 staff unit;
  22. Assistant of the department of Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology -3 staff unit;
  23. Assistant of the department of surgical and pediatric dentistry – 1 staff unit;
  24. Assistant of the department of children’s diseases №1 with neonatology – 1staff unit;

Results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the branch office of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” in Atyrau city

According to the results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the branch office of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” in Atyrau city Abilova Gulnar Tuleuovna was elected for this position. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.17 dated 26.11. 2021y.)

Results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

The competition for the vacant position of the head of the purchasing department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” was declared invalid (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 16 dated 11/24/2021).

Results of the competition for filling vacant position of the head of the department of academic quality of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the department of academic quality of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University ” Rysmagambetova Nurgul Arginbayevna was elected for this position (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 15 dated 12.11.2021y.)

Results of the competition for vacant positions of the teaching staff of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes No. 15 dated 12.11.2021 у.)

  1. Zhumaliyeva Gulmira Saiynkyzy is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of psychology;
  2. Duisenova Ainash Aldabergenovna is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of psychology;
  3. Moldayazova Lyazzat Tynyshtykovna is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of general hygiene;
  4. Umarova Gulmita Arystangaliyevna is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of evidence-based medicine and scientific management;
  5. Bisengaliyev Saktabergen Ualiyevich is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of physical training ;
  6. Yelubayev Kenzhebek Yelubaiuly is elected for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of physical training ;
  7. Pirozhenko Natalya Nikolayevna is elected for the vacant position of lecturer of the department of evidence-based medicine and scientific management;
  8. Koishybayeva Oryngul Nurmukhankyzy is elected for the vacant position of lecturer of the department of evidence-based medicine and scientific management;
  9. Urazova Ainel Kanatovna is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of oncology;
  10. Tulyayeva Anar Balkashevna is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of oncology;
  11. Alibekova Maiya Sagynadinkyzy is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of oncology;
  12. Zharylgapov Azamat Baizhanovich is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of oncology;
  13. Tanbetova Ziyash Zhakanovna is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of general medical practice №2 ;
  14. Zhakiyeva Shynargul Sagidulayevna is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of general medical practice №1 ;
  15. Daniyarova Kamila Rinatkyzy is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care;
  16. Sakypova Oksana Serikkalikyzy is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of dentistry internship and postgraduate education;
  17. Kopenova Galiya Ykylaskyzy is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of dentistry internship and postgraduate education;
  18. Nasipkaliyev Meiram Darkhanovich is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry;
  19. Urazalina Marina Maralkyzy is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry;
  20. Taskozhina Gulaim Yesenbayevna is elected for the vacant position of assistant of the department of clinical laboratory and visual diagnostics.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Family Medicine of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Lazzat Manbetzhanovna Zhamalieva was elected for the vacant position of the Department of Family Medicine of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 14 of 04.11.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of strategic development and international cooperation of NJSC “Marat Ospanov ZKMU”

According to the results of the competition, Tokzhanova Aigul Maksatovna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of strategic development and international cooperation of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 14 of 04.11.2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the dean of the dean’s office of postgraduate education

According to the results of the competition, Roza Ergalievna Nurgalieva was elected for the vacant position of the dean of the dean’s office of postgraduate education of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU NJSC (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 14 of 04.11.2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the public relations service of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU NJSC

According to the results of the competition, Galiya Kubzhanovna Zhaldybayeva was elected for the vacant position of the head of the public relations service of NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 14 dated 04.11.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the professional growth center of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU NJSC

According to the results of the competition, Almagambetova Altyn Satybaldyevna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the professional growth center of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 14 of 04.11.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the dean of the international medical faculty of NJSC “Marat Ospanov WKMU”

According to the results of the competition, Erbolat Maratovich Iztleuov was elected for the vacant position of the dean of the international medical faculty of NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of October 28, 2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the center of practical skills of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Kurmangaliev Kairat Bulatovich was elected for the vacant position of the head of the center of practical skills of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of 10/28/2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Psychology of the NJSC “Marat Ospanov ZKMU”

According to the results of the competition, Alua Islamchaevna Miraleeva was elected for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Psychology of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of October 28, 2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the center for improvement of nursing at NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Zhanar Anatolyevna Dostanova was elected for the vacant position of the head of the center for improvement of nursing at NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of October 28, 2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases and of NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

According the results of the competition, Saule Kabibollaevna Bermagambetova was elected for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU NJSC (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 12 of 04.10.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the Head of the Department of General Medical Practice”ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Dina Elubaevna Zhubatova was elected for the vacant position of the head of the general practice department of the Family Medicine Clinic of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU NJSC (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 12 of 04.10.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant positions of the head of the Medical Center, chief physician of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov

According to the results of the competition, Murat Koishibayevich Teleuov was elected as the head of the Medical Center of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU”, and also according to the results of the competition, Bekmyrza Sharapatdinovich Ilyasov was elected to the vacant position of the chief doctor of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 11 of 06.09.2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the legal department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

According to the results of the competition, Toleuova Gulnur Aidarkyzy was elected to the vacant position of head of the legal department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 9 of 12.08.2021)

The results of the competition for the vacant position of chief physician of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov”

The competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the department of general medical practice of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” was declared invalid (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 10 of 17.08.2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Head of the Department of General Practice of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

The competition for filling the vacant position of the head of the department of general medical practice of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NJSC “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” was declared invalid.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the department of transplantology and cell therapy for 30 beds of the Medical Center of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat t Ospanov”

The competition for the vacant position of head of the Department of transplantology and cell therapy for 30 beds of the Medical Center of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” was declared invalid.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility Department of the NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Abdiramanova Nurzhamal Bolatkyzy was elected to the vacant position of the head of the International Cooperation, Projecs and Academic Mobility Department of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 7 of 01.06.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of the NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Tasimenova Gulmira Zhaylievna was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 7 of 01.06.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the Department of Economics and Planning of NAO «ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

Following the results of the competition, Elnur Beke was elected to the vacant position of head of the Department Economics and Planning of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 6 of 23.04.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Zholdasova Nurgul Zhanabayevna was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 5 of 15.04.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Surgical and pediatric dentistry of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition Taganiyazova Aliya Adylovna was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Surgical and pediatric dentistry of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 5 of 15.04.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the Department of Digitalization and Automation of processes of NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

Following the results of the competition, Esengeldi Sarsenov was elected to the vacant position of head of the Department of Digitalization and Process Automation of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 4 of 06.04.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition, Basir Aidarkhanovich Zhapalakov was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Oncology of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition, Arip Kubekovich Koishybayev was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Oncology of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU»

According to the results of the competition, Kurmanalina Gulnar Lukpanovna was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition, Aigul Shynbergenovna Sartaeva was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Dentistry internship and postgraduate training of the NAO ” Marat Ospanov ZKMU»

According to the results of the competition, Uraz Raisa Mukhadeskyzy was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Dentistry of internship and postgraduate training of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Neurosurgery with the course of traumatology of the NAO ” Marat Ospanov ZKMU»

According to the results of the competition, Mikhail Yuryevich Biryuchkov was elected to the vacant position of head of the Department of Neurosurgery with the course of Traumatology of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 of the NAO “Marat Ospanov ZKMU»

According to the results of the competition, Marat Nigmatovich Zhumabaev was elected to the vacant position of the head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with Operative Surgery of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition, Rakhmanov Sapargali Bekzhanuly was elected to the vacant position of head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with operative Surgery of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of Deputy Chief Physician for medical work of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO ” ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

According to the results of the competition, Kanieva Kenzhegul Nurantaevna was elected to the vacant position of Deputy chief physician for medical work of the Family Medicine Clinic of the NAO “ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov” (minutes of the meeting of the competition commission No. 3 of 29.03.2021).

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of international co-operation of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Tokzhanova Aigul Maksatovna was elected for the vacant position of the head of Department of international co-operation ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.1 dated 12.02. 2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Dental clinic of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “

According to the results of the competition Iztleuov Sagyntai Askarovich was elected for the vacant position of the head of Dental clinic ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.1 dated 12.02. 2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the deputy head for organization and methodical work of the Medical center of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Bisenova Nurlygul Nugmetovna was elected for the vacant position of the deputy head for organization and methodical work ​​of the Medical center of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 1 dated 12.02. 2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the operational and economic department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “

According to the results of the competition Aubekerov Kairat Kuanyshevich was elected for the vacant position of the head of ​​ the operational and economic department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 1 dated 12.02. 2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the documentation management department of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Sarbayeva Balgyn Zamedinovna was elected for the vacant position of the head of ​​ the documentation management of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 2 dated 24.02. 2021)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of socio- psychological support ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Bisekova Gulnur Duisenbekovna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of socio- psychological support ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 16 dated 21.12. 2020)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the cadaver center ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition Yeltezhin Talgat Askarovich was elected for the vacant position of the head of the cadaver center ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 16 dated 21.12. 2020)

The results of the competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff, scientific workers and persons equated to them of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition for filling the vacant positions of the teaching staff, scientific workers and persons equated to them of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University ” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 15 dated 03.12.2020), the following decision was made:

  1. To recommend Temirova Gulnara Ayaganovna for the vacant position of professor of the department of Histology of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  2. To recommend Bobyreva Marina Mikhailovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Physical Education of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  3. To recommend Knisarina Malika Maksatovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  4. To recommend Urazgaliev Kenzhebek Sherkeshbayevich for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  5. To recommend Zinalieva Ainura Nurlybayevna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “
  6. To recommend Seipenova Aniya Nurmukhanbetova for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General Medical Practice No. 1 of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University ” with the recommendation of nostrification of the document on education (diploma of candidate of medical sciences) by the end of the academic year.
  7. According to the results of the vote, Biyasilov Nurzhan Seilkhanovich is not recommended for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. From the 2021-2022 academic year to transfer to the position of assistant of the department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  8. To recommend Ismailova Irina Vladimirovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  9. To recommend Tlegenova Zhenisgul Shimbulatovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Internal Diseases No. 2 NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  10. To recommend Dzhenalayeva Gulzhana Aitzhanovna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of languages of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  11. To recommend Miraleyeva Alua Islamchayevna for the vacant position of Associate Professor of the department of Clinical Laboratory and Visual Diagnostics of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University ” with recommendation to publish the article in peer-reviewed international journals by the end of the 2020-2021 academic year.
  12. To recommend Kanapina Roza Birzhanovna for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of Physical Education of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  13. To recommend Kulzhanova Dinara Sandibaevna for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of Normal Physiology of the NJSC”West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  14. To recommend Besimbayeva Zhanat Berdigalikyzy for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of chemical disciplines of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  15. To recommend Musasheva Danagul Kuanyshkalikyzy for the vacant position of senior teacher of the department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “.
  16. To recommend Alkazy Guldan Akhmetbekkyzy for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  17. To recommend Dostanova Zhanara Anatolyevna for the vacant position of senior lecturer of the department of Public Health and Health Care of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  18. To recommend Zhalimova Zera Okhasovna for the vacant position of the teacher of the department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  19. To recommend Zhunusova Lyazzat Seitkasymovna for the vacant position of the teacher of the department of Histology of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  20. To recommend Kusmambetova Dana Toleukhanovna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  21. To recommend Kunakov Nurlan Nagashvaevich for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  22. To recommend Yessengaliev Esbol Taszhanovich for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Dentistry, internship of postgraduate education of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  23. To recommend Aitmagambetova Marzhan Altynbekovna for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Oncology of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  24. To recommend Zhuldyzai Sagiyevna Karataeva for the vacant position of assistant of the department of Internal Diseases No. 1 of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.
  25. To recommend Sabyr Laura Mendybayevna for the vacant post of assistant of the department of Neurology with the course of psychiatry and narcology of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”.

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of Pharmacology ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition, Smagulova Gaziza Azhmagiyevna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of Pharmacology ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.14 dated 29/09/2020)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of Evidence-based medicine and scientific management ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition, Sadykova Gulnara Makatovna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of Evidence-based medicine and scientific management ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.14 dated 29/09/2020)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of ​​Clinical laboratory and visual diagnostics of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition, Batyrova Gulnara Arystangaliyevna was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of Clinical laboratory and visual diagnostics ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No.14 dated 29/09/2020)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the department of languages ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition, Altyngul Sarsenovna Mustoyapova was elected for the vacant position of the head of the department of languages ​​of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University “. (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of 08/09/2020)

Results of the competition for the vacant position of chief accountant of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

According to the results of the competition, Aikenova Saniya Maratovna was elected for the vacant position of the chief accountant of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee No. 13 of 08/09/2020)

The results of the competition for the vacant position head of the Department of Magistracy and Doctoral Studies at the NAO “ZKMU named after M. Ospanov”

Based on the results of the competition, Koshmaganbetova Gulbakit was elected as the head of the Department of Magistracy and Doctoral Studies at the NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov (protocol of the meeting of the competitive commission No. 12 of 23.07.2020).

The results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of International Cooperation Department of NAO “ZKMU named after M. Ospanov”

Based on the results of the competition, Serik Bakhtiyar was elected as the head of the International Cooperation Department of NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov (protocol of the meeting of the competitive commission No. 11 of 07.07.2020).

The results of the competition for the vacant position of the head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of NAO “ZKMU named after M. Ospanov”

Based on the results of the competition, Beke Elnur Makhanbetuly was elected as the head of the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov (protocol of the meeting of the competitive commission No. 10 of 06/02/2020).

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