Urazayeva Saltanat Turakovna
Education – Higher medical (AcGMI), candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, An infectious disease specialist of the highest category. Excellent student of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Progress: Author of more than 90 scientific papers and 10 teaching aids. Scientific interests: Epidemiology of zoonotic infections, epidemiology of infectious and non-communicable diseases, nosocomial infection (infections related to medical intervention). Project manager: “The impact of vaccination on immunity in patients with post-COVID-19 conditions among the population of Kazakhstan” for 2022-2024, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Personnel structure:
Tusupkalieva K.- Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent,
Begalin T. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent,
Urazayeva A.- PhD, docent,
Nurmagambetova G. – master of Medical Sciences, senior Lecturer,
Amanshiyeva A.- master MBA, senior Lecturer,
Nurmukhamedova Sh.- master MBA, teacher,
Kumar G.- master of Medical Sciences, teacher.
History of creation: The Department of Epidemiology as an independent department was organized in January 2006. Previously, since 1961, the epidemiology course was part of the Department of Infectious Diseases. From 1982 to 1984, the course was led by Ph.D. Associate Professor A. X. Arslanova, in subsequent 1984 – 2002, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.A. Turebekov. From 2002 to 2005, the Epidemiology course was part of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology under the supervision of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor J.K. Ordabaeva. Responsible for the course were: Ph.D., Associate Professor R. I. Karimova and Ph.D., acting associate Professor Sh. B. Nasukhin. Since the establishment of the Department of Epidemiology, S.Urasaeva has been Leading the team to this day.
The teaching staff of the department consists of experienced teachers – 3 candidates of sciences – the head of the department, associate professor Urazaeva S.T., associate professor Begalin T. B. and associate professor Tusupkalieva K.Sh. All employees are constantly improving their qualifications at advanced training courses in the specialty and pedagogy.
Goal. The Department of Epidemiology sets great tasks to improve the training of sanitary and epidemiological specialists, these are strengthening the material and technical base, purchasing and creating videos on disciplines, creating role-playing games that simulate a specific situation, encouraging students to make managerial decisions. The department closely cooperates with the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control, the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise, the Regional AIDS Center and medical and preventive institutions of the city, where students master the acquired skills in practice.
Activity. The department is graduating in the specialties “Medical and preventive care” and “Public health”. Since 2013, the department has been training personnel in doctoral and master’s degrees, in the specialties “Medical and preventive care” and “Public Health”, 1 PhD (2022) and 16 undergraduates have been trained.
Currently, the department employs 8 employees from among the teaching staff, 50% have academic degrees. The material and technical base of the department is constantly being strengthened, the staff is being replenished, and the educational and methodological support of the educational process is being improved.
Progress. The department actively carries out research work in various areas of preventive medicine. The staff of the department actively participates in scientific and practical conferences, make presentations at seminars and clinical conferences. Since 2006, the staff of the department has published about 150 scientific papers on topical issues of epidemiology in domestic publications, as well as near and far abroad.
Since 2022, the department has been involved in the implementation of 2 scientific projects:
- “The impact of vaccination on immunity in patients with post-COVID-19 conditions among the population of Kazakhstan” for 2022-2024, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project manager: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ass. Professor Urazaeva S.T.
- “National program for the introduction of personalized and preventive medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, S.D. implemented by KazNMU. Asfendiyarova 2021-2023, funded by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The staff of the departments annually take part in the programs academic obility: outgoing mobility of teachers to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: S. Asfendiyarov KazNU – 2022 (2018), Astana Medical University (2019) and South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (2022), associate professors to the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (Bishkek) in 2019 and 2022.
In recent years, the department has been implementing a Visiting Professors program for the exchange of experience, lectures and master classes for students and teaching staff. So, in 2017, Professor, MD Aikimbayev A.M. (Almaty) visited the department, in 2019, Professor of Yerevan State Medical University, MD Tadevosyan A.E. (Armenia) visited the department, in 2022 – Professor Toigombayeva V.S. from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
The teaching staff of the department is engaged in the preparation of scientific student papers in the scientific student circle “Epidemiologist”, whose members annually performed and won prizes at student scientific conferences within the Republic, near and far abroad.
The department pays special attention to the education of future doctors, the promotion of spiritual health and high morality of young people, the formation of professional knowledge and practical skills in the formation of hygienic culture and healthy lifestyle among students. At the Department of Epidemiology, a Youth Health Center (ICZ) was established by the Rector’s order of 11/23/2012. The objectives of the center are: the formation of life skills and the development of motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle among students, training in communication skills, the preparation of information and educational materials and technologies for promoting healthy lifestyle and the training of volunteer trainers from the student asset of the ICZ.
Contacts: Maresyev Street 68, the main academic building, 6th floor (right wing), №616 room, mobile phone 8 701 465 1464, e-mail: [email protected]