Нead of department

Kurmangaliyeva Saulesh Seitzhanovna
Since September 2019, the head of the department is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Kurmangaliyeva Saulesh Seitzhanovna.
In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Rationalization of eradication therapy for recurrent diseases of the stomach and duodenum.” Co-author of 8 textbooks, 12 methodological recommendations. There is a patent for the invention. There are acts of introducing innovative teaching methods into the educational process. Scientific interests: immunology, gastroenterology, allergology.
Nasukhin Shadyman Baktygereevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology.
In 1986, after graduating from Aktobe State Medical University, he underwent internship training in the specialty “Pediatrics”. 1987-1991 – years of work as a pediatrician in rural and urban hospitals. In October 1993, he entered graduate school with a degree in Microbiology. After graduating from graduate school, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic: «Intestinal microbiocenosis of young children living in a biogeochemical zone with high chromium content» 1996-2000 – years of work as a teacher at the Department of Pediatrics. In 2001 he was transferred to the Department of Microbiology. Scientific interests: microbiology, philosophy of natural science.
Khairullina Zamza Sayfullinovna has been working as a teacher at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology since 2023, Candidate of Medical Sciences. associate professor, allergist of the highest qualified category, chief freelance allergist of the Regional Health Department of the Aktobe region, accredited independent expert in the specialty “Allergology and Immunology”, head of the Regional Center for Allergology and Respiratory Medicine. Has Government awards: Medal “Shapagat”, badge “Excellence in Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, medal “Veteran of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, certificates of honor from local executive bodies. She is the author of scientific publications, books, monographs.
Zhanamanova Raushan Nurbolatovna, Master of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, since 2007 works at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology. She graduated from the magistracy in the specialty «Medicine» of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University. She defended her master’s thesis on the topic: «Antagonistic activity of intestinal lactobacilli». Scientific interests: microbiology, microecology, immunology.
Sarbulatova Anargul Shokanovna, senior lecturer, Master of Natural Sciences, graduated in 2003 from Aktobe State K. Zhubanov University with a degree in Biology. The topic of the master’s thesis: “Toxic and side effects of industrial and medicinal xenobiotics”. Passed advanced training on the topic “Current issues of education at the University of General and clinical Microbiology”. Areas of scientific research: microbiology, virology and natural sciences. Work experience at the university – 17 years, author of more than 10 scientific papers.
Alpamys Aliya Kanatovna. Graduated from the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. She defended her master’s thesis on the topic: “Obtaining salt-resistant forms of barley in vitro.” Scientific interests: microbiology, microecology. Work experience at the university – 7 years, author of more than 5 scientific papers.
Zevalkina Elena Viktorovna, teacher of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology. Graduated from the pediatric faculty of Aktobe State Medical Institute. Since 1988 works at the Department. More than 30 articles, 1 manual.Scientific interests: microbiology, microecology.
Salbaeva Kuralai Sagyndykovna, laboratory assistant, has been working at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University since 2003. Has a higher education diploma.
Korniltseva Anna Aleksandrovna, laboratory assistant, has been working at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University since 2009. Graduated from the АSPI, specialty “Bachelor of Biology”.
Koishibaeva Bakytgul Moldagalievna, laboratory assistant, works at the department since January 2017. Has medical secondary special education.
History of creation
The Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology was established in February 1959. Its first head was a doctor of medical sciences, professor Anna Timofeevna Starodubova.
From 1980 to 1990 the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor E.A. Eremeeva.
From 1991 to 2013, the staff of the department was headed by a corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zh.K. Ordabaev.
From 2013 to 2017, the head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.V. Zasorin.
Since February 2017, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor B.S. Urekeshov has been appointed the head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology.
Training of students, residents, undergraduates, doctoral students in accordance with the latest achievements in the field of microbiology, virology and immunology.
Advanced training of doctors of various specializations in the field of microbiology, virology and immunology. Conducting research work in the fields of microbiology and immunology.
High-quality organization and conduct of the educational process using innovative forms of education, activation of practical, laboratory and independent studies of students.
High-quality organization of the research work of the department, preparation of future teaching staff of the department.
High-quality training of educational and methodological support for the educational activities of the department.
Formation of students’ highly moral active life position of future doctors who correctly understand the tasks of healthcare.
In general, the staff of the department published more than 900 scientific articles in journals and thematic collections, received 30 certificates for rationalization proposals, 20 copyright certificates for inventions, including 2 foreign ones.
The department runs master’s and PhD programs. Since 2023, training of residents of “Allergists-immunologists of adults and children” has been conducted.
Since 2022, the department has been carrying out research work within the framework of funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Further development of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology will be carried out in the context of the introduction of new innovative technologies and specialization in the areas of future activity of doctors.
At the department, in order to develop the research competence of students, there is a student scientific circle «Microbiologist». Every year scientific works of students of the circle take prizes.

Contact information
Department of the Microbiology, Virology and Immunology.Aktobe, st .Maresiev 66, educational and laboratory building No. 1, 3rd floor, left wing,tel. 56-72-43.
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