Department of Neurology – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of Neurology


Head of the Department of Neurology, candidate of medical science, Yermagambetova Aigul Pazylbekovna has been working at the department since 2007. In 1995 Yermagambetova A. graduated from Aktobe State Medical Institute, subsequently worked as a neurologist in practical healthcare. In 2000 she graduated from clinical ordinatura in neurology. Since 2007 – Assistant of the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Doctors. In May 2010 defended her thesis on the topic: “Clinic of neurological manifestations and the state of oxidative metabolism in the population living in conditions of environmental distress in the region of oil and gas fields of the Aktobe region” in the specialty 14.00.13 – nervous diseases under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor G. Kabdrakhmanova. Head of the Department of Neurology. Yermagambetova A.P. – author of more than 60 published works. In 2022 awarded the badge “Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi”.

Personnel structure

Kabdrakhmanova Gulnar Bayanovna – Professor of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Hamidulla Alima Abayevna – Associate Professor of the Department, PhD.

Utegenova Aigerim Berkinovna – Assistant of the Department, PhD.

Urasheva Zhanylsyn Urumbasarovna – Assistant of the Department, PhD.

History of creation

The Department of Nervous Diseases was founded in 1961. The first head of the department was PhD, Associate Professor Anatoly Yakovlevich Shiyanevsky. The course of pediatric neuropathology was led by Associate Professor A.I. Davydova. During the period of head of the department by Professor A.Ya. Shiyanevsky, candidates of medical sciences were trained on its basis: A.I. Davydova, A.S. Alyoshina, N.A. Yakovlev. A material and educational base was created to strengthen the preparation of students for the development of neuropathology. From 1977 to 1996, Professor Yakovlev Nikolay Alekseevich was the head of the Department of Nervous Diseases. The main area of scientific research of Professor Yakovlev N.A. was the study of the effects of chromium intoxication on the nervous system. A lot of educational and methodological work was carried out at the department, a number of methodological developments were printed in a typographic way. Under the guidance of the professor, 1 candidate’s and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended by an employee of the department, T.A. Slyusar, Professor N.A. Yakovlev. A base for training reflexotherapistswas created. Under the authorship of Prof. Yakovleva N.A. has published 8 monographs.

The purpose of the work of the Department of Neurology is to form and deepen the knowledge and skills of students to independently provide highly qualified medical care for acute and chronic diseases of the nervous system.


Interns of the 6th year of the General Medical Practice direction study at the Department of Neurology. In 2014, a two-year residency in the specialty “Adult and children’s Neurology” was introduced. Over the past period, more than 70 residents have graduated from the residency, who successfully work in Aktobe, Atyrau, Mangystau, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda regions. Currently, 51 residents are studying at the department.

The Department of Neurology conducts professional development cycles, training seminars and master classes on topical issues of modern clinical neurology for neurologists of the Western region of Kazakhstan on the basis of the department and with visits to the regions.

Research work is actively carried out at the Department of Neurology. Since 2019, work has been underway on a scientific and technical project on the topic: “The pathogenetic role of neurospecific markers and endothelial dysfunction of brain damage in patients with cerebral infarction,” in which work continues on the PhD thesis of UrashevaZhanylsynUrymbasarovna on the topic: “Neurospecific markers of damage to the blood-brain barrier in cerebral infarction.” Scientific supervisor: Associate professor of the department, PhD HamidulaAlimaAbayevna.

Residents are actively involved in research work and present the results at conferences at international and regional levels, as well as in periodicals. Currently, work is continuing on the project “Analysis of the main risk factors for stroke in rural residents” under the guidance of Associate professor of the department, PhD HamidulAlimaAbayevna.

The Department of Neurology annually, in October, holds a scientific and practical conference with international participation: “Clinical neurology: innovations in diagnosis and treatment”.

The staff of the Department of Neurology actively carry out clinical work. Associate Professor of the department, PhD Hamidulla A.A. organized the office of Multiple sclerosis, the main purpose of which is the timely diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, the management of patients using modern methods of treatment of multiple sclerosis. Assistant of the department, PhD Utegenova A.B. continues to work with patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, conducts consultations in order to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

The staff of the Department of Neurology actively make presentations at international and regional conferences, cooperate with scientists from Poland, South Korea, Turkey, Great Britain, and Russia.

The teachers of the Department of Neurology are fluent in English, have IELTS certificates of level 5.0-6.5.


In 2007 At the initiative of Professor of the Department of Neurology, MD Kabdrakhmanova Gulnar Bayanovna, a neurovascular department was organized on the basis of the Emergency Medical Hospital (BSMP). In September 2010, for the first time in Kazakhstan, an innovative method of treatment of ischemic stroke – thrombolytic therapy was introduced. In January 2017, the Association of Neurologists of Western Kazakhstan was organized and officially registered, which was chaired by Professor Kabdrakhmanova G.B. In June 2017 The members of the Association joined the Kazakhstan National Association of Neurologists “Neuroscience” and the World Stroke Organization (WSO). Prof. Since 2019, Kabdrakhmanova G.B. has been a member of the thematic working group on conducting and developing proposals for the development of a draft State program for the development of healthcare for 2020 – 2025.

6 master’s theses have been defended at the Department of Neurology. In May 2018, a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) was defended on the topic: “Clinical and immunological characteristics of multiple sclerosis” Hamidulla A.A. Scientific consultants: Professor Kabdrakhmanova G.B., Associate Professor Yermagambetova A.P., Professor Michalak S. (Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland).

In the period from 2018 to 2021. Yermagambetova A.P. led an intramural scientific research on the topic: “Determination of the content of pathological proteins in a skin biopsy of patients with neurodegenerative diseases in order to develop an algorithm for differential diagnosis with clinically similar diseases”, within the framework of which Utegenova Aigerim Berkinovna defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “6D110100-Medicine” on the topic: “Improving the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease with the detection of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in a biopsy of patients’ skin.”


Aktobe, Patsaev str., Multidisciplinary regional hospital, administrative building, office 3, floor 2, e-mail [email protected], Instagram: zkmu_neurology

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