Department of General hygiene – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of General hygiene

Berdesheva Gulshara Aitkaliyevna – the Head of Department, hygienist-epidemiologist, bachelor of law, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Total experience 39 years, teaching experience 16 years. She reads lectures and conducts practical classes in State and Russian languages. Author of 6 training manuals. Academic advisor of 4 masters of scientific and pedagogical direction and 10 masters of profile direction in the educational program “Public Health”.


  • 2014 – Certificate of honor of the Akim of Aktobe region;
  • 2015 – Certificate of honor of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2021 – award-winning of “Excellent employee in Healthcare” №717 from 25.11.2021;
  • 2022 – “For contribution to the development of the University” №38 from 20.10.2022.


Budesova Zhanna Alabaevna – Candidate of medical sciences, Associate professor of the Department.

Zhubaniyazova Ayagul Sayasatovna – hygienist-epidemiologist, master of Public health, senior teacher.

Kenzhegazova Guldaria Konaikyzy – master of Public health, a first–year doctoral student in the educational program “Public Health”, teacher.

Zholmuratova Gulzat Serikovna – master in the educational program “Environmental protection and life safety”, a first–year doctoral student in the educational program “Ecology”, teacher.

Zhiengalieva Aliya Nurashevna – general practitioner, senior teacher.

Baidullaev Almat Azhmuratovich – master of Public health, teacher.

Rakisheva Venera Arystangalievna – hygienist-epidemiologist, teacher.

Khairullina Elmira Dosamanovna – bachelor of Public health, 2nd year master student in the educational program “Medical and preventive care”, teacher.

Yerbolat Nazik Yerbolatkyzy – bachelor of Public Health, 2nd year master student in the educational program “Medical and preventive care”, teacher.

Ishaulova Gulgul Maratovna – bachelor of Ecology, office manager.

The history of the department’s creation

The Department of General Hygiene with Ecology was organized in February 1960 at the 3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine. Headed the department and led it from 1960 to 1971 Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhelvakov Lev Nikolaevich. He has published more than 50 scientific papers and has received government awards.

From 1971 to 1973, the department was headed by Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Altynbekov Bauer Embergenovich, who later worked as the head of the Department of General Hygiene at the Shymkent Medical Academy.

From 1973 to 1989, the head of the department was Vasily Ivanovich Yurchenko, Candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor, excellent employee in Healthcare, who worked at the department since its organization and contributed to the formation and development of the Department of General Hygiene.

From 1989 to 2002, the head of the department was Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Karimov Tolendy Karimovich.

From 2002 to 2010, the department was headed by Candidate of medical sciences, Associate professor Muldashev Zhanat Abdygalievich.

From 2010 to 2012, the head of the department was Candidate of medical sciences, Associate professor Isaev Galymzhan Isaevich.

From 2012 to 2013, the department was headed by Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Sharbakov Altai Zhienbaevich.

Since 2014, the department has been headed by Candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor Berdesheva Gulshara Aitkalievna.

The goal of the department is to implement the state educational policy aimed at training highly qualified specialists to ensure quality education.

The activity of the department is aimed at creating and improving the educational and cultural environment based on the application of the principles of innovative technologies and science, providing the western region of Kazakhstan with qualified personnel with high personal and professional qualities, preserving and increasing the educational, industrial, scientific, pedagogical, socio-humanitarian and cultural potential of the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Contact details: Maresyev st. 68, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, 2 unit, 1 floor, e-mail:

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