Department of General Medical Practice №1 – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of General Medical Practice №1



Seipenova Aania Nurmukhanbetovna – Head of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 1, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Graduated with honors from the Pediatric faculty of the AkSMA in 1999. She has the highest qualification category. In 2013, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Differentiated interferon therapy in optimizing the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and recurrent diseases of children” (Orenburg, Russia). She has been an associate professor of the department since 2020. From 2021 to November 2023, Acting Head of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 1. Since November 2023. appointed head of the department. Author of 50 scientific publications, 11 author’s certificates. She was repeatedly awarded letters of appreciation from the University management, the Ministry of Health “Certificate of Honor” (2021). She was awarded the medal “For contribution to the development of the University” (2023).

Personnel structure:

The staff of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 1 currently includes: head of the department – PhD Seipenova A.N., Professor – PhD Karimsakova B.K.; Associate professor – PhD Sakhipova G.Zh.; assistants – PhD Kulkaeva J.D., Abdildaeva S.A., Zholbaskanova K.T., Esengalieva I.E., M.M. Kuzdenbaeva G.E., Shamshaeva D.O., m.m. Imanbayeva A.U., Zhakieva S.S., Khairullina A.A., Kolbaeva A.A., office manager Bigeldinova Z.S.

The degree of the department is 46%. Of the 13 teachers, 7 have the highest qualification category, the first one is 1 person. The teaching experience of the teachers of the department is from 0 to 35 years.

History of creation

The Department of Outpatient Therapy, now the Department of General Medical Practice No. 1, was organized in 1987.

Heads of the department: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.P. Velikoivanenko (1989-1998);

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Derbisalin Ajmadin Smagulovich (1998-2009;

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Karimsakova Bibigul Koptleuovna (2009-2017); Candidate of Medical Sciences Abenova Nurgul Abdullayevna (2017-2021);

Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD Seipenova Aania Nurmukhanbetovna (from 2021 to the present).

Veterans of the department:

Ismagulova Ayman Umirbekovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department, author of 6 monographs, 2 textbooks, over 160 publications. She was awarded the badge “Excellent Health Worker of the USSR”, medals “Inventor of the USSR”, “For contribution to the development of the University”, “Golden Mother”.

Kulniazova Gulshat Mataevna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. He has more than 100 printed works, 8 textbooks have been published. She was awarded the badges “Excellence in Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Veteran of Labor”.

Zhumabayeva Tilekshi Nabievna is a candidate of medical sciences. He is the author of more than 30 publications, 7 textbooks for doctors. She was awarded the badges “Excellence in Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Veteran of Labor”.

Purpose: to train highly qualified general practitioners with knowledge, skills and practical skills for the organization and implementation of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures in the primary health care system.

Activity: The main activity of the department is the preparation of 5th year students in the specialty “General Medicine”, in the discipline “Fundamentals of general medical practice”. The department also conducts an annual internship in the specialty “PHC physician’s Assistant”. The department trains 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Nursing in the main areas of primary health care.


Clinical work

The department is located on the 1st floor No. 3 of the university dormitory. The educational bases of the department are the Family Medicine Clinic, City polyclinic No. 1, City polyclinic No. 3, City polyclinic No. 4, City polyclinic No. 5, City polyclinic No. 6, City polyclinic No. 7. Clinical work is carried out according to the plan of the department and an individual schedule in the form of a consultative reception for children and adults. The staff of the department conducts medical conferences “round tables”, seminars, and “open door” days for patients and doctors of practical healthcare. They give lectures on current topics, appear on television, review patient stories, participate in research and consultations together with specialists in scientific and practical medicine.

Educational and methodical work

Interactive teaching methods are used in the educational process: problem lecture, seminar discussion, brainstorming, small group methodology, TBL, CBL, PBL, standardized patient, etc. In order to implement distance learning in the Moodle learning platform “ ” and in the Platonus information system “ ” electronic training materials have been developed for students in all disciplines taught at the department.

Research work

The main directions of the research work of the department are topical issues of the health of children and adults. Scientific and technical projects are underway. The staff of the department has published more than 300 works in scientific journals and collections. More than 15 educational and medical manuals have been issued. They annually participate with reports at National and International scientific and practical conferences. All teachers are members of the Association of Family Doctors of Kazakhstan (ASWK). Conferences, trainings for primary health care doctors (PHC), and training programs for the population are held.

Student Scientific Society

Since the foundation of the department, there has been a student scientific society (SSS). The first head of the Student scientific organization was Associate professor R.K. Nazarbayeva, then Ph.D. T.N. Zhumabayeva. The members of the SSO annually participate in international student conferences. They are winners and laureates of conferences of local, National, and International scale.

Educational work

According to the plan of educational work, social and educational work is carried out at the department, events dedicated to significant dates in the history and holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan, crime prevention, and the fight against corruption are held.

Postal address: Aktobe, 76A Maresyev str., (dormitory No. 3 of WKMU named after M.Ospanov, 105 room, 1st floor

Contacts: + 7 (7132) 54-42-61; +7 (705) 288-58-91 (office manager)

Email address: e-mail: [email protected]

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