Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare
Yermukhanova Lyudmila Sergeevna, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor.
Since 2014, she has been the head of the department. In 2010, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Hygienic characteristics of atmospheric air pollution in an industrial city and assessment of its impact on the immune status of the population (using the example of Aktobe)”.
In 2020, she was conferred the title of Associate Professor. She boasts a Hirsch index of 6 in the international Scopus database. Her scholarly contributions include 17 articles in renowned international databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, in addition to over 100 articles in other esteemed publications. She is credited with the authorship of 1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 5 sets of methodological guidelines, and 2 glossaries.
She was awarded the badge “Excellent Health Worker”, “Densaulyk Aktau isinin uzdigi” and “Kazakhstan Republikasyn gylymyn damytuga sinirgen enbegi usin”, as well as a number of diplomas and commendations from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
According to the results of the intra-university competition “Zhogary oku ornyn uzdik okytushysy” in the 2022-2023 academic year, she took the 2nd prize, and according to the results of her pedagogical activity in 2023, she became the winner of the Republican competition “The Best teacher”.
Kenzhebayeva Indira Baibosinovna, candidate of medical science, associate professor.
Abdikadirova Indira Temirkhanovna, PhD, аssociate рrofessor.
Tazhbenova Saule Tazhedinovna, PhD, associate professor.
Aitmaganbet Perizat Zhaksybaykyzy, PhD, associate professor.
Artykbaeva Maral Alpamysovna, master of healthcare, senior lecturer.
Kuspangalieva Galya Sagingalievna, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer
Bekbauova Aimira Upuovna, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer.
Umbetov Miras Umbetovich, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer.
Dostanova Zhanar Anatolyevna, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer.
Taushanova Maiya Karibaevna, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer.
Turdalina Kunzira Bukeikhanovna, master of medical sciences, senior lecturer.
Anafina Altynai Mukhitova, master of business administration, lecturer.
Lyakhov Sergey Sergeevich, master of management, lecturer.
Kairzhan Baktiyar Balmukanuly, master of medical sciences, lecturer.
Makasheva Aliya Maratovna, master of medical sciences, lecturer.
Artykbaeva Aigul Izbasarovna, office manager.
History of creation
The Department of Health Organization was founded on August 21, 1961 by Order No. 126 of the rector of the Institute. The first head of the Department of Healthcare Organization was Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor N.P.Ishchenko (1961-1973).
From 1960 to 1961 was headed by PhD Kuznetsova I.E. After the course of healthcare organization was taught at the Department of General Hygiene under the guidance of A.M. Musabekov and G.A.Remenyuk.
In the 70s, the Department of Health Organization was renamed the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization. In subsequent years, the department was headed by pathophysiologist-Professor Kasenov K.U. (1973-1977), hematologist-associate professor Veklenko V.P. (1986-1990) and dermatovenerologist-Associate Professor Miraliev I.K. (1990-1993).
From 1993 to 2003, the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Dushmanov S.Kh. In 1994, the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization was renamed the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization with a course in the history of medicine.
Since 2003, the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization has been transformed into a course of social medicine and health management, where Associate Professor K.K. Kaldybaev was responsible for the course.
Since 2010, the course was transformed into the Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization.
From 2010 to 2014, the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor Kaldybaev K.K.
From 2014 to the present, the department is headed by Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor Yermukhanova L.S. By order of the Rector, the department was renamed to “Public Health and Healthcare”.
Training of highly qualified competitive medical specialists based on the achievements of modern science and practice, ready to adapt to rapidly changing conditions in the field of public health and nursing by continuously improving the level of competence and developing creative initiative.
3-level (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees) training of highly qualified specialists in the field of healthcare in the educational programs “Public Health” and “Nursing” and “Management in healthcare”, as well as additional education using formal and informal teaching methods
- The lecturer of the department, E.U.Rakhmanov, completed his master’s degree in Italy and doctoral studies in China under the Bolashak program.
- Students who graduated from our Faculty of Public Health Azhkeeva N. and Kimatova K. received a master’s degree in England under the Bolashak program.
- In 2012, Aimira Bekbauova, a teacher of our department, was recognized as the “Best curator of the Year”.
- According to the results of the competition, the student scientific circle “Manager” in 2016 received the title of “Best scientific circle”.
- Teachers of the department actively participated in the Erasmus+ ProInCa program “Promoting the innovative potential of higher education in the field of nursing”.
- On February 1, 2021, the “Center for the Improvement of Nursing” was opened on the basis of the department.
- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yermukhanova L.S. was awarded the badge “Excellent Health Worker”, “Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi” and “Kazakhstan Republikasyn gylymyn damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin”, as well as a number of diplomas and commendations from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yermukhanova L.S. took the 2nd prize in the intra-university competition “Zhogary oku ornynyn uzdik okytushysy” in the 2022-2023 academic year, and was named the winner of the Republican competition “The Best Teacher” for her pedagogical achievements in 2023.
- In 2023, associate professor of the department Abdikadirova I.T. received the diploma “Densaulyk saktau ministerinin Kurmet gramotasy”.
- In 2023, the senior lecturer of the department Dostanova Zh.A. received the badge “Named after Marat Ospanov” for her contribution to the development of nursing.
Contact information
The Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the NJSC «Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University» – Aktobe, st. Maresyev 70., academic building No. 2, 2nd floor, left wing. Work phone: 8 (7132) 56-46-91, e–mail – [email protected]
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