Kozhentaeva Sarkyt Kozhabergenovna – Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, awarded a Certificate of Honor and the Order of Pirogov.
Since 2001, she has been working at the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University. In 2001, she defended her PhD thesis with the award of the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2010, she defended her doctoral dissertation with the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
She is the author of more than 100 scientific papers, 3 patents, 15 acts of implementation in the educational process, 2 author’s certificates, has graduated one Master of Medical Sciences, scientific directions morphology, otorhinolaryngology. She is actively engaged in research work with students who make presentations at a scientific student conference, take prizes in student conferences of universities of the Republic of Kakhakhstan and Uzbekistan.
In various years, she held various vacant positions: associate professor of the Department, head of the Central Research Institute.
Personnel structure
Zhapalakov Basir Aidarkhanovich – Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Candidate of Medical Sciences. He was awarded a badge and a certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Shagataeva Bibigul Adaevna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department
Tavurbayeva Akmaral Zholzhigitovna – Assistant of the Department
Dinara Bolatovna Shyngalieva – Assistant of the Department
Balymbetova Lyazzat Suleimenovna – Assistant of the Department
Aminadinova Ainur Kuanyshevna – Assistant of the Department
Nagina Aigerim Mamatovna – Assistant of the Department
Kamelova Guldauren Nurbolatovna – Assistant of the Department
Zhangazy Aktan Tuleugazievich – Assistant of the Department
Koshetereva Gulzhamal Kenesovna – office manager
The history of the department
The Department of ENT Diseases of Aktobe Medical Institute was established in February 1961. The organizer and permanent head of the department for 22 years (1961-1983) was a candidate of medical Sciences, Honored Worker of the Kaz Higher School.SSR, Associate Professor Nikolai Dmitrievich Rostopchin.
Grigoriev Vyacheslav Petrovich – Head of the department from 1983-2009. For the first time in the USSR, Professor V.P. Grigoriev developed and introduced into the practice of healthcare methods of surgical intervention on the middle ear, which allowed preserving the anatomical architectonics and functions of the middle ear. For the first time, the staff of the ENT department under the guidance of Professor V.P. Grigoriev developed and applied a method for the treatment of ENT diseases with a low-power direct electric current, which is currently the research department. He has 2 inventions, 1 textbook has been published, 3 teaching aids, and more than 100 scientific articles have been published
Ismagulova Elnara Kereevna – head of the department from 2009-2019. Under the guidance of E.K. Ismagulova, one doctoral, one PhD and several master’s theses were defended. Ismagulova E.K. was awarded diplomas from the university and regional organizations, the badge “Excellent Health Worker” Has 2 inventions, 1 textbook, 3 teaching aids have been published, more than 100 scientific articles have been published.
Zhapalakov Basir Aidarkhanovich headed the Department of Otorhinolaryngology from 2019 to 2023. He has 2 inventions, 4 teaching aids have been published, and more than 100 scientific articles have been published. Veteran of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Awards: medal “Pirogov”, “Ardakty ardager”, “Kazakhstan tauelsizdigine 30 zhyl”, “Densaulyk aktau isinin uzdigi”
Purpose: The main task of the department is high—quality training of students in the otorhinolaryngological discipline, the educational process is an integral part of daily work. The main methods of treatment of otorhinolaryngological patients are conservative and surgical treatment.
Educational, methodical, therapeutic, scientific, educational work. The clinical bases of the department are the Aktobe Medical Center, the Medical Center of the ZKMU named after M.Ospanov, a Multidisciplinary children’s regional hospital. Currently, the department is based in Aktobe Medical Center. The department provides the educational process to 3rd year students in the specialty 6VM10102 – “Dentistry”, 4th year students in the specialty 5B130100 – “General Medicine”, 5th year students in the specialty 5B130100 – “General Medicine”, 7th year interns in the direction of “General practitioner” in the specialty “General Medicine” and residents in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology adult, childish.” The department conducts practical classes for 3rd, 4th, and 7th year students and resident doctors.
Scientific seminars and conferences are held at the department on the following topics: “Topical issues of rhinology”, “Innovative technologies in otorhinolaryngology”, “Constant electric current in the treatment of polypous rhinosinusitis”, “Urgent conditions in otorhinolaryngology”, “Violation of the function of the sound-conducting system”.
The department conducts research on the following topics: “The use of low-power direct electric current in the treatment of certain ENT diseases.”
A student scientific circle is held at the department. The topic of the student scientific circle is “The use of low-power direct electric current in the treatment of polypous rhinosinusitis.”
The department conducts educational activities with students: Professional education, Civic and patriotic education, socio-political and legal education, spiritual and moral education, family education, aesthetic and conflict cultural education, physical education and healthy lifestyle formation, environmental and labor education.
Employees of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology are actively involved in the treatment process of the ENT department of the AMC, MC of the M.Ospanov ZKMU, a Multidisciplinary Children’s Hospital.
Achievements: Since the formation of the department, the staff has issued 3 monographs, published more than 800 scientific articles, more than 10 teaching aids, including 2 in the state language. The number of certificates of inventions and innovation proposals is more than 5. The number of prepared and defended doctoral dissertations is 3, candidate dissertations are more than 3.
Contacts: the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology is based in the AMC, which is located at Aktobe, Zhanakonys 8e, administrative building and ENT department, 4th floor. E-mail of the department: [email protected]