Department of Emergency Medical Care – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of Emergency Medical Care

Нead of department

Zhankulov Marat Khadredinovich – head of the department of “Emergency Medical Care”, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical Institute named after A.V. Lunacharsky in 1986. Has the highest qualification category. In 2011, he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “The role of intraintestinal ozone therapy in the complex treatment of widespread peritonitis with abdominal sepsis.” From November 2023 appointed head of the department.


The team of the Department of Emergency Medical Care currently includes: Head of the Department – ​​Ph.D. Zhankulov M.Kh., assistants – M.S. Sisenova Zh.A., Usenova M.B., Azimbaeva B.A., M.S. Esetova E.M., Zakirova A.I., M. M.Sc. Kulmanova N.E., M.Sc. Makarova E.A., office manager Shobdarbaeva K.A. Of the 9 teachers, 4 have the highest qualification category, 2 have the first. The teaching experience of the department’s teachers is from 0 to 15 years.

History of creation

Since 2007 at the West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after. M. Ospanov, the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology was organized with a course of traumatology, orthopedics and military surgery, which in 2011, for the first time in Kazakhstan, was reorganized into the Department of Emergency Medical Care, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology with Neurosurgery. In 2017, a decision was made on the advisability of revising the structure of the department with the establishment of an independent department of emergency medical care. From September 2017 to April 2023, the department was headed by a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor – Saduov Mukhtar Abdualievich. Saduov M.A. – candidate of medical sciences, surgeon of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant of the department, surgeon of the highest category. Teaching experience – 19 years. Author of more than 50 published scientific works, 1 methodological recommendation, 4 copyright certificates for inventions (“Method for the preservation of placental tissue”, “Use of vasoprostan in the complex treatment of diabetic foot syndrome”, “Method of suturing the anterior abdominal wall for widespread purulent peritonitis”, “Use of a stencil” for anesthesia of the brachial plexus”). He had the highest qualification category as a surgeon. He had special merits in the field of abdominal surgery and the treatment of purulent-inflammatory wounds. For more than 15 years he worked as a consultant in the field of peritonitis at OPTs No., for more than 20 years he was a member of the association of surgeons in the Aktobe region. For the successes achieved in healthcare, he was repeatedly awarded with thanks, certificates of honor and the N.I. Pirogov and “Halyk Maktanyshy” medal. He had 4 foreign and Kazakh patents, which are used by surgeons and are valued in this field of science.


Training of highly qualified emergency medical care doctors with knowledge, skills and practical skills to organize and carry out preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures in the emergency medical care system.


The main activity of the department is training 5th year students in the specialty “General Medicine” in three languages, in the discipline “Emergency Medical Care”. The department also conducts annual practical training in the specialty “Physical Care Physician Assistant”. At the department, 1st and 2nd year students of the faculty of “Nursing” and “Military Medicine” are trained in the main areas of emergency medical care. The department trains residents in the specialty “Emergency medicine for adults and children”, as well as advanced training for emergency and emergency room doctors.


Clinical work is carried out according to the department’s plan and an individual schedule in the form of consultations for children and adults. Employees of the department hold medical conferences, round tables, seminars, and open days for patients and doctors of practical healthcare. They give lectures on current topics, appear on television, review patient stories, participate in studies and consultations together with specialists in scientific and practical medicine.

Educational and methodological work

The educational process uses interactive teaching methods: problem-based lecture, seminar-discussion, brainstorming, small group techniques, TBL, CBL, PBL, standardized patient, etc. In order to implement distance learning in the Moodle learning platform “dl.zkgmu .kz” and in the Platonus information system “” electronic learning materials have been developed for students in all disciplines taught at the department.

Research work

The main directions of research work of the department are current issues of emergency medical care. Scientific and technical projects are underway. Employees of the department have published more than 30 works in scientific journals and collections. 3 medical educational manuals have been published. Every year they participate in presentations at Republican and International scientific and practical conferences. Conferences, trainings for primary health care (PHC) doctors, and training programs for the population are held.

Student Scientific Society

Since the founding of the department, there has been a student scientific society (SSS). Members of the Council of People’s Commissars annually participate in international student conferences.

Educational work

According to the plan of educational work, social and educational work is carried out at the department, events are held dedicated to significant dates in the history and holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan, crime prevention, and the fight against corruption.

Contact information

The department is located on the 2nd floor of the Emergency Hospital (Patsaeva St., 7, tel.: 56-74-29) and the MC ZKMU named after. M. Ospanova (Novy district, 8, tel.: 24-17-27) and Regional Emergency Medical Care Station (Batys 2, building 9G), with a substation (Altynsarina st., 70B, tel.: 21- 37-86).+7 (701) 444-11-26 (office manager)

Email address: [email protected]

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