The head of the department:
Gulnara Lukpanovna Kurmanalina – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 since 2017.
In 1988 she graduated with honors from the Aktobe State Medical Institute. After completing her internship, from 1988 to 1996 she worked as a general practitioner and head of the therapeutic department of the linear hospital of Emba station, Mugalzhar district. Studied in clinical residency and full-time graduate school. She defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The use of low molecular weight heparin (Clexane) for unstable forms of angina” (2002). From 2005 to 2008, she additionally headed the paid multidisciplinary department of the Medical Center of the West Kazakhstan State Medical University. Since 2014, Chairman of the Academic Committee of Residency Educational Programs. Since 2015, he has been combining the work of Deputy Dean of the Graduate School for Residency. Has the highest category in the specialty “Therapy”, a specialist certificate in “Cardiology”, “Functional Diagnostics”, “Radiation Diagnostics”. Pedagogical experience is 23 years, medical experience – 36 years. Author of more than 120 scientific publications. H-index: Web of Sciences – 2; Scopus – 2; RSCI – 3. Author of a patent for an invention, monograph and 5 teaching aids. Has awards: Kazakhstan cardiologists kauymdastygynyn “Ak zhurek” belgіsіnіn iegeri, “Kazakhstan republics densaulyk saktau isinіn uzdigi”.
Personnel composition:
Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich – professor of the department, candidate of medical sciences
Seitmagambetova Saule Amirkhanovna – professor of the department, candidate of medical sciences
Talipova Iliada Zhaksybaevna – Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Kushimova Dariga Ezhenovna – Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Tokbaeva Kulsin Kulganatovna – associate professor, head teacher of the department, candidate of medical sciences
Akhmetova Alma Suyundukovna – Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Tlegenova Zhenisgul Shimbulatovna – associate professor of the department, PhD
Sultanbekova Gulmira Amantaevna – assistant of the department
Aralbaeva Liza Sovetovna – assistant of the department
Medovshchikov Vadim Vladimirovich – assistant of the department, candidate of medical sciences
Yeshniyazov Nurlan Bulatovich – Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Amanova Aiganym Amirovna – assistant of the department, doctoral student
Boshanov Zhantilek Berdikululy – doctoral student
History of creation:
The Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 was created in 2015 by merging the Department of Hospital Therapy and the Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Physicians.
The Department of Hospital Therapy was organized in 1961. The first head of the department from 1962 to 1963 was Candidate of Medical Sciences Anna Antonovna Maslennikova. Over the years, the department of hospital therapy was headed by: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Andreev Vasily Nikolaevich (1963-1968); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zaslavskaya Rina Mikhailovna (1968-1972); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elvira Davydovna Ivanova (1973-1991); Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhamankulov Kdyrkhozha Abdulkarimovich (2007-2010); Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Smagulova Gaziza Azhmagievna (2003-2007); Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Tokbaeva Kulsin Kulganatovna (2010-2017).
The Department of Therapy of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Physicians (FUV) was organized in 1979. The first head of the Department of Medical Sciences from 1979 to 1993 was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Abramovich Goldberg. Over the years, the department of therapy at FUV was headed by: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Akhmetov Kairgali Zhalelovich (1993-1994); Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Salim Fakhatovich Berkinbaev (1995-2001), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich (2002-2017)
Goal: training highly qualified personnel to independently work in providing specialized medical care and improving the professional competencies of doctors in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine and modern achievements in diagnostic, treatment and pharmaceutical technologies.
Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 conducts: training of 6-7 year interns in the specialty “General Medical Practice”, training of 6-7 year interns of military medicine in the specialty “Therapy”, training of residents in the specialties “Adult and Pediatric Cardiology”, “Therapy”, “Physical medicine and rehabilitation for adults, children”, “Nephrology for adults, children”, training of practicing therapeutic doctors in advanced training cycles.
The department carries out enormous pedagogical, educational, methodological, clinical and scientific work. Every year, the department graduates qualified specialists who work in practical healthcare or continue their doctoral studies.
The teaching staff of the department carries out medical and advisory work in the cardiological, surgical, chemotherapy, and oncosurgical departments of the Medical Center of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, and also provides advisory assistance in medical institutions in Aktobe, Aktobe region and the entire Western region of Kazakhstan.
The main areas of scientific activity of the department: cardio-oncology, acute coronary syndrome, chronic heart failure.
The department participated in the EUROASPIRE 5 study, the results of which are presented in articles published in the Lancet journal (Q1), co-author Professor Zholdin B.K. Participation in the EUROASPIRE 6 study is planned.
The topic of the department’s research is “Issues of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.”
Employees of the department participated in the scientific and technological progress “Study of outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction and factors influencing them” under an intra-university grant (2019-2020), supervisor G.L. Kurmanalina.
Participated in the STP of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of a Program for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiotoxic Complications Caused by Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer” (2021-2023), heads Balmagambetova S.K., Zholdin B.K.
Employees of the department have published monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, and articles in peer-reviewed journals. Textbooks have been published in the state language: “Ishki aurular” (K.A. Zhamankulov et al.), “Ishki aurular propedeutics” (clinical lectures, K.A. Zhamankulov) in 2010, “Ishki aurular” (textbook) 2009 , in 2 languages, “Medical terminderdin encyclopedialyk sozdigi”, 3 volumes, 2010.
Currently, doctoral students of the 1st year of study in the specialty “Medicine” are studying at the department – A. A. Amanova. and Boshanov Zh.B.
Our address: Zhanakonys, 8, MC NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov, e-mail: [email protected]