Women’s organization «Syr men symbat» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Women’s organization «Syr men symbat»

Head: Amangeldy Laura Yermyrzakyzy

Contact phone number: +7 771 581 4102

The purpose: to bring together the educated and beautiful girls of our university, to strengthen their activity at Student Events and to show all sides in various competitions.

Every year, the contest” Miss University “is held, organized by the club” Syr men simbat”. The competition was attended by girls who combine physical and spiritual qualities, as a result of which our students take prizes in international, national and regional competitions.

The Girls ‘Club” Syr men simbat ” has been operating within the university since 2008. The purpose of this club is to instill in students a sense of goodness, beauty, spiritual education on the basis of national culture and art, instill in them a sense of honor and dignity based on national traditions and Customs.


The «Syr Men Symbat» Club

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