Logo of NCJSC «WKMU named after Marat Ospanov» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Logo of NCJSC «WKMU named after Marat Ospanov»

The logo is made in the shape of a circle – symbolizing the globe. The bright carmine-red color of the circle is a symbol of dynamics, activity, and striving for development.

The outer circle contains the name of the University, the corporate identity of the medical community. 1957 is the year the University was founded.

The inner circle – with 25 silver balls – characterizes the unique chromium deposit in the region (2nd place in the world) and the role of personnel training in protecting public health.

25 is a unique union of two numbers, in total terms, making up the number 7, symbolizing wisdom, a sober mind, taken from 5 – rich life experience, based on good intuition and contact of the number 2.

The inner circle is divided by vertical and horizontal lines into 3 sectors: symbolizes the trinity of education, science, practice.

The saiga looking upward is a talisman of the steppes of Western Kazakhstan, characterizing endurance, resilience, and healing properties.

Sheaf of millet – the region is famous for the growth of millet. Millet is the oldest cultivated plant, associated with fertility, prosperity, abundance, but, above all, it is the personification of life in its various aspects and situations. It is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, a source of healing substances, the preservation of traditions, and at the same time growth and development.

An open book is a symbol of knowledge of a profession, life, wisdom. And the Latin saying Ave Vitae! – “Long live life!” – symbolizes the purpose of medical activity.

The staff (rod) of Asclepius entwined with a snake is an ancient and main symbol of the medical profession. The snake symbolizes wisdom and the experience of healing, the fact that it is coiled around the tree symbolizes the dominance of pure knowledge over the forces of nature. The staff represents nature and life itself. This is a symbol of brave, selfless, intelligent and talented people who, day after day, challenge the most dangerous diseases in order to once again win.


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