Vacant position: Chief Accountant of the Accounting Department of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”
Basic requirements for the participant of the competition:
A person with higher (or postgraduate) education in the relevant specialty and experience in financial and accounting work, including in senior positions, for at least 5 years, and a certificate of professional accountant is appointed to the position of chief accountant.
Functional responsibilities:
1.1. The Chief Accountant is obliged to:
carry out management in accordance with the current regulations on accounting;
keep accounting records in accordance with IFRS and the Accounting Policy of the University;
Prepare and provide timely financial statements that comply with IFRS and other forms of reporting;
systematically improve the qualification category;
to use modern means of automation of accounting and computing works, progressive forms and methods of accounting;
to exercise control over the accounting of obligations and business transactions (sale of services, settlements with suppliers and customers for services rendered, cash flow in bank accounts (foreign currency and tenge). Accounting of incoming funds, inventory items and fixed assets, as well as timely accounting of transactions related to their movement;
control over the correctness of accrual and timely transfer of taxes and payments to the state budget, contributions to state social insurance;
control over the reliable accounting of the execution of cost estimates, sales of products and other works;
ensuring timely organization of work on registration of materials on shortages and theft of funds and inventories, as well as, where appropriate, preparation of materials for transfer to judicial authorities;
control over the safety of accounting documents and timely transfer in accordance with the established procedure to the University archive;
to participate in the preparation of measures of the internal control system that prevent the occurrence of shortages and illegal spending of funds and inventories, violations of financial and economic legislation. In case of detection of illegal actions of officials (postscript, misuse of funds and other violations and abuses), he is obliged to provide information to managers for taking action;
observe labor and industrial discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, civil defense;
to provide creditors, investors, auditors and other users of accounting statements with comparable and reliable accounting information on the status of settlements with debtors and creditors. To correspond with partners, to prepare the necessary information on issues related to mutual settlements;
participate in determining the content of basic accounting techniques and methods and accounting information processing technology;
provide data on the relevant accounting sections for the preparation of financial statements;
to participate in conducting an economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify on-farm reserves, implement a saving regime and measures to improve document management, develop and implement progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the use of modern computer technology, and conduct inventories of cash and inventory items;
to control the work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of accounting information, to make changes to the reference and regulatory information used in data processing;
to control the correctness of compilation and ensure timely submission of tax and statistical reports;
to comply with labor and industrial discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, civil defense.
1.2. The Chief Accountant is obliged to know:
Office management instructions;
the rules of the internal labor regulations and the Collective Agreement of the University;
regulations on accounting;
this job description;
Internal document standards (policies, procedures and algorithms) University regulations governing the work of accounting;
using a PC and the programs used at the University;
1.3. The Chief Accountant performs other duties provided for by the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal acts of the University.
1.4. Organizes work on the protection of state secrets.
List of documents for participation in the competition:
1) a copy of the identity document;
2) resume;
3) copies of diplomas of higher education, and (or) academic and academic degrees, a document of academic rank and originals for verification;
4) copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;
5) copies of the specialist certificate/admission to clinical activity and the certificate of the medical category according to the profile of the structural unit;
6) list of scientific papers and inventions (if available). For university employees, the list of scientific papers is assured by the scientific secretary;
7) medical certificate of health status (medical professional advisory opinion) in form No. 075/u, according to the forms of primary medical documentation of healthcare organizations approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 No. 907, issued no more than six months before the date of submission of documents (or notarized copy);
8) a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
9) a certificate from a narcological organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a narcological organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
10) a certificate on the presence or absence of information on records issued by the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the commission of a criminal offense by a person;
11) the participant of the competition has the right to submit additional information concerning his education, work experience, professional level, knowledge of languages (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work, certificates, diplomas, etc.);
12) A folder with dense files – 20 sheets.
13) persons working at the university attach a description of the higher management.
Date of publication: February 19, 2024.
The documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.
Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 105. Tel.: +7 (7132) 54-69-25. e-mail: [email protected]