Announcement on the competitive filling of the vacant position of the head of the department of general medical practice of the clinic of family medicine of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Announcement on the competitive filling of the vacant position of the head of the department of general medical practice of the clinic of family medicine of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Vacant position: head of the department of general medical practice of the Clinic of Family Medicine of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Basic requirements for the participant of the competition:

A person who has a higher medical education, first/highest qualification category in clinical specialties (if available) or work experience in the corresponding clinical specialty for at least 6 years, a specialist certificate for admission to clinical practice is appointed to the position of head of the Department of General Medical Practice of the Family Medicine Clinic.

Functional responsibilities:

Head of the department of general medical practice of the Clinic of Family Medicine

  1. Within the limits of his official powers to ensure the fulfillment of the duties and instructions of the management assigned to him in a strictly prescribed time and with proper quality.
  2. Strictly observe labor discipline, conscientiously and efficiently perform their official duties, effectively use working time.
  3. Manages the structural unit of the organization, organizes the work and effective interaction of structural units to provide timely and high-quality medical and medicinal care to the population.
  4. Ensures compliance with the requirements of medical ethics.
  5. Is personally responsible for compliance with anti-corruption legislation, and taking measures to prevent manifestations of corruption on his part and subordinates, for the material and technical, medicinal resources entrusted to him, as well as responsibility for their safety and intended use.
  6. Determines the policy, strategy of the structural unit of the health organization and the mechanism of its implementation.
  7. Takes measures to provide the organization with qualified personnel, the rational use of their professional knowledge and experience, the creation of safe and healthy conditions for their life and work, the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.
  8. Ensures the introduction of new and improvement of existing diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive care, improving the quality and competitiveness of services provided.
  9. Organizes work on the study and assessment of sanitary and epidemiological situations.
  10. Takes effective measures to improve the sanitary and epidemiological situation.
  11. Organizes operational and laboratory-instrumental control over the conduct of hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, compliance with sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards.
  12. Provides work on professional development of medical personnel, development of their professional knowledge.
  13. Analyzes the activities of the structural unit of the health organization and, based on the assessment of its performance indicators, takes the necessary measures to improve the forms and methods of work of the organization.
  14. Ensures compliance with the requirements of internal labor regulations, compliance with medical ethics, fire safety and safety regulations, sanitary and epidemiological regime.
  15. Provides reporting.
  16. Possess knowledge in the field of safety and fire safety in the performance of official duties.
  17. Complies with the rules of the internal labor regulations, the norms of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the rules of labor protection.
  18. Complies with the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology. Ensure the safety of patient information, prevent unauthorized data transfer to third parties using computer systems.
  19. Manages the department of the precinct polyclinic service (hereinafter referred to as the subdivision).
  20. Organizes the work of the unit’s staff to provide timely and high-quality medical care, ensures interaction with other departments of the organization.
  21. Carries out an analysis of the activities of the subdivision and takes measures based on it to improve the activities of the subdivision.
  22. Monitors the quality of medical services provided as the head of the department. Ensures the introduction of new and improvement of existing forms and methods of treatment of diseases aimed at further improving the efficiency and quality of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive care provided, in accordance with the level of modern achievements and medical science and technology.
  23. Introduces new innovative technologies in the department for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
  24. Provides consulting assistance to doctors (as well as patients of the unit) on diagnosis and treatment.
  25. Determines the tactics of patient management with the doctor.
  26. Supervises the work of medical, middle and junior staff of the unit.
  27. Takes measures to provide the unit with special equipment, monitors their proper operation.
  28. Creates conditions for advanced training of medical workers of the unit, promotes the rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, as well as working conditions that are safe and favorable for life and health, the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.
  29. Provides maintenance and submission of accounting and reporting documentation, including electronic format.
  30. Systematically consult patients represented by doctors of the department, both in the clinic and with access to the patient’s home, keeping records of these consultations, if necessary, involve doctors of other specialties for consultations.
  31. Plan and monitor the timeliness, effectiveness and quality of the dispensary monitoring of registered persons, adolescents, the disabled and people who are ill for a long time and often.
  32. Weekly monitor the correctness of the diagnosis and the volume of therapeutic and diagnostic measures carried out by the doctors of the department, both in the clinic and at home.
  33. Weekly monitor the quality of the examination of temporary disability by a special random check of medical records of patients with initially issued sick leave, as well as conduct face-to-face consultations of patients who are unable to work for 6 days or more.
  34. Ensure the correct selection of patients for sanatorium treatment.
  35. To carry out temporary replacement of doctors who are absent from work, both at the reception and on calls, immediately reporting this to the deputy chief physician, ensuring that patients are visited at home on the day of the call.
  36. Monthly analyze the workload of doctors at the reception and on calls, the proportion of active visits at home, repeated calls, the volume and quality of dispensary examinations, dispensary records, etc

. 38. Checks and takes measures for timely and correct filling of medical documentation by doctors of the department, including in electronic format.

  1. To introduce into the practice of the department advanced forms and methods of diagnosis, disease prevention and labor organization.
  2. Annually draw up an annual work plan of the department and submit it for approval to the deputy chief physician. To carry out systematic monitoring of their implementation. Participate in the preparation and development of strategic and operational plans of the organization.
  3. Annually prepare and submit for approval to the Deputy chief physician a professional development plan for doctors of the department by sending them to courses and improvement cycles.
  4. Organize work in the department to improve the qualifications of doctors, secondary medical workers in their preparation for certification by systematically checking and analyzing the performance of each employee.
  5. Monthly draw up and submit for approval work schedules and vacations of the department staff, taking into account the uniform provision of medical care to the population on certain days of the week, holidays, in the evening and morning hours.
  6. Provide planned hospitalization with mandatory personal examination of patients and control of the correctness and completeness of filling out the referral for hospitalization.
  7. To hold conferences of the department with the implementation of clinical analyses of complex cases of diagnosis and treatment, analysis of the discrepancy of diagnoses of hospitalized patients, conducting abstract reviews, thematic reviews of periodical medical press.
  8. Systematically improve their own qualifications, not only as a specialist doctor, but also as a healthcare organizer.
  9. Promptly bring to the attention of the staff of the department the relevant orders and orders of the administration, as well as instructional, methodological and other directive documents.
  10. Monitor compliance by all employees of the department of labor discipline and internal labor regulations.
  11. Quarterly and annually, no later than December 25, to represent the on the work of the department for the year with a detailed analysis of the indicators of therapeutic and preventive work of the department.
  12. Monitoring with a monthly analysis of the validity of prescriptions for free and preferential medicines with the provision of a report by the deputy.the chief physician.
  13. Develop indicators for assessing the quality of medical care that reflect the specifics of the department’s activities.
  14. To collect information and analyze internal indicators for assessing the quality of medical care.
  15. Conduct a questionnaire survey of patients of the department on the quality of medical care in order to identify existing shortcomings and develop proposals to eliminate them.
  16. To carry out constant educational work in the department team, educating employees to strive for continuous professional improvement, a sense of duty, collegiality, mutual assistance, and goodwill in the team, compliance with ethical conduct and principles of deontology.
  17. Provide safety measures at the workplace. Conduct instruction on workplace safety measures and fire safety.
  18. Monitors compliance by medical workers of the unit of providing medical care to the population within the framework of the GOBMP, the OSMS system.
  19. Takes effective measures to improve the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of medical services, in accordance with approved standards in the field of healthcare, clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment.
  20. Participates in the analysis of citizens’ appeals to improve the medical services provided to the population.
  21. Organizes the work of the unit for timely recovery, monitoring of the dispensary group of patients, timely provision of free medicines to them.
  22. Organizes activities aimed at preventing and reducing morbidity with temporary disability, disability and general mortality, including from socially significant diseases.
  23. Organizes activities aimed at the prevention and reduction of infectious diseases by conducting timely immunization of adults and children according to the plan against vaccines for controlled infections.
  24. Organizes and analyzes the work of the clinic’s medical information system, mobile applications, “electronic priority”, and also makes proposals to improve the work of e-health in the KSM.
  25. Organizes and analyzes the work of the hospital on substitute care, the quality of treatment of patients.
  26. Organizes and analyzes the hospitalization of patients through the BG portal and conducts timely analysis of the identified defects.
  27. Takes an active part in the work on preparation for national/international accreditation, as well as on post-accreditation monitoring.
  28. Conducts a self-assessment for compliance with the indicators of the quality indicator. And also take an active part in the development of indicators for assessing the quality of medical care, reflecting the specifics of the activity.
  29. Be able to work with office equipment and a computer from a Medical Information System (MIS), within the limits necessary for the performance of official duties.
  30. Upon dismissal or transfer to another job, transfer all working documentation, as well as material and technical values to the newly accepted employee or direct supervisor according to the acceptance certificate.

List of documents for participation in the competition:

1) a copy of the identity document;

2) resume;

3) copies of diplomas of higher education, and (or) academic and academic degrees, a document of academic rank and originals for verification;

4) copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;

5) copies of the specialist certificate/admission to clinical activity and the certificate of the medical category according to the profile of the structural unit;

6) list of scientific papers and inventions (if available). For university employees, the list of scientific papers is assured by the scientific secretary;

7) medical certificate of health status (medical professional advisory opinion) in form No. 075/u, according to the forms of primary medical documentation of healthcare organizations approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 No. 907, issued no more than six months before the date of submission of documents (or notarized copy);

8) a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);

9) a certificate from a narcological organization in the form, according to the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a narcological organization”, approved by Order No. 272 of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);

10) a certificate on the presence or absence of information on records issued by the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the commission of a criminal offense by a person;

11) the participant of the competition has the right to submit additional information concerning his education, work experience, professional level, knowledge of languages (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work, certificates, diplomas, etc.);

12) A folder with dense files – 20 sheets.

13) persons working at the university attach a description of the higher management.

Date of publication: February 19, 2024.

The documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.

Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 105. Tel.: +7 (7132) 54-69-25. e-mail: [email protected]

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