Нead of department
Department consists of a course of chemical disciplines and a course of biochemistry. Head of department is candidate of biological sciences, docent Zh.Zh. Gumarova.
Gumarova Zhannat Zhanbulatovna, head of the Department
Dilmagambetov Saruar Nurgalievich, professor
Yernazarova Zhanat Abdualievna, senior lecturer
Yermukhanbetova Nurzhiyan Dalenovna, senior lecturer
Abilova Zhanat Maksutovna, senior lecturer
Taumova Arzhan Baidosovna, senior lecturer
Galymzhanova Gaukhar Tolesinovna, senior lecturer
Besimbayeva Zhanat Berdigalievna, senior lecturer
Medetova Aizat Medetovna, teacher
Doszhanov Zhankeldi Alievich, teacher
Yernazarova Dilyara Abayevna, teacher
Yesengulova Albina Akzholovna, teacher
Aktoty Kolibayevna, teacher
Andreadi Guldana Batyrkhanovna, senior lecturer
Matzhanova Zhanna Kazhimuratovna, teacher
Maikupova Ayazhan Abayevna, teacher
History of creation
Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry of the Marat Ospanov Medical University is the oldest at the university, it was organized in August 1957 initially as the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. The Department of Biological Chemistry was developed in August of 1958 year. These two departments were joined into the Department of chemical disciplines in 2007.
The main purpose of chemistry and biochemistry courses at a medical university is to form the functional chemical and biochemical literacy of a future doctor and pharmacist.
The department provides teaching of disciplines of “Medical Chemistry” and Biochemistry” which are trained in the state, English and Russian languages for students of the speciality “Medicine”, “Military Medicine”, “Public Health”, “Medical and preventive medicine” disciplines “Chemistry” for the specialty “Dentistry”, “Military Dentistry”, “Public Health”, “Preventive Medicine” and “Biochemistry”. Students of the specialty “Pharmacy”, “Military Pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical production technology” are taught in “Inorganic Chemistry”, “Organic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry”, “Physical and colloidal Chemistry”, “Biochemistry” disciplines.
The department is doing a lot of work on the development of educational and methodological documentation and educational material in three languages according to new educational standards and technologies, the creation of its own educational literature (“Bioorganic Chemistry”, Fundamentals of toxicological Chemistry”, “Glossary of terms on Chemistry and Biochemistry in Kazakh-English and Russian languages”, etc.) and translation into the state language of textbooks for medical universities (Popkov V.A., Puzakov S.A., “General Chemistry”, “GEOTAR-Media, Solway J.G. “Visual medical biochemistry”, “GEOTAR-Media”, Chernov N.N., Pokrovsky V.S. “Test questions on biochemistry for exam preparation in collaboration with the authors of the department, etc.). The block of interactive situational tasks in the Interactive Learning portal has been developed in three languages and is constantly being updated, which is used as one of the forms of students’ independent work in the educational process.
The research work of the department is related to the determination of the content of trace elements in biosubstrates in various pathological conditions and in environmental objects in collaboration with clinical and theoretical departments of the university.
The SSO’s work of Department has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the University “The best scientific and student circle of the University”, medals, diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees in Kazakhstan and CIS.
The department invite leading scientists from medical universities of the near and far abroad countries according to academic mobility for delivering lectures and conducting classes with students in chemistry and biological chemistry in English and Russian (Tercentenary of Sri Guru Gobind Singh, India; Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Kyrgyz Republic, I.K.Akhunbayev State Medical Academy, Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland), etc.)
The prospects for the development of the department are aimed at further improving teaching methods in medical universities, integrating pre-university and university programs and teaching methods of fundamental disciplines (chemistry and biology) in the preparation of a modern doctor and pharmacist.
The one of the directions activity of the department is the organization of university preparatory courses for applicants to medical universities and conducting specialized subjects in biology and chemistry, career guidance among schoolchildren of the city and region, work with gifted children in the field of chemistry. Students have repeatedly received recognition at National and International Chemistry Olympiads, receiving gold, silver and bronze medals.
The work of the head of the department, teachers, and staff was awarded the honorary titles «The best staff member in the Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan“, “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Akhmet Baitursynov Medal”, certificates of honor from the Ministry of Health, Akim of the region, university administration, certificates “Best Lecturer”, “Best Curator”, “Best Teacher”, “Best department”, “The best specialist of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Contact information: Aktobe, 66 Maresyeva str., 1st academic building, 4th floor, [email protected]
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