Folk collective of the dance ensemble “ZhasStar” – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Folk collective of the dance ensemble “ZhasStar”

Ensemble director: Seitzhanova Gaukhar Maralovna, tel: 87479933643

Ensemble leader: Askarova Aigerim, tel: 87477394922

Soloist: Islamberdieva Galia, tel: 87003621902

@zkmu_bkmu, @show_ballet_zhasstar_aktobe, @zkmu_jastary

“ZhasStar” Folk Dance Ensemble team began his artistic career in 2006 Gaukhar Maralovna Seitzhanova has been the head of the team since 2008.

The national dance ensemble «ZhasStar»

Folk dance ensemble “JasStar”:

– Laureates of the 3rd degree of the III open folk dance competition “Ulttyq Biim-Elge Syiym” (Aktobe, 2021)

– Grand Prix in 2 nominations of the III International Festival of Online choreographic competition “Bi tolkynda-2021. (Aktobe, 2021)

– 1st place in the city competition “Kel, bile” of the youth festival “ZHAS STAR” (Aktobe, 2022).

– Grand Prix and 1st place in the international competition “Zhuldyzga kadam” (Astana, 2022).

– I place and Grand Prix in the international competition “Zhuldyzga kadam” (Astana, 2023)

– Grand Prix in two nominations at the international competition “Zhuldyz Art Kazakhstan -2023” (Shymkent, 2023)

– I place at the regional festival “New wave-2023” (Aktobe, 2023)

– I, II place and Grand Prix in the international competition “Success Rating -2023” (Astana, 2023)

– 1st place in 2 nominations at the open regional championship “Dancing without Borders” (Uralsk, 2024)



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