№ | Vacant position | Number of wage-rates | Basic requirements for the participant of the competition | Functional responsibilities |
1. | Teaching assistant of the department of Dentistry and internship of post graduate education | 6 | 1) Higher professional education, scientific and pedagogical experience, or experience in a specialty of at least 1 year and academic master’s degree, without presenting requirements for work experience. It is desirable to have a certificate of proficiency in English.
2) For clinical departments, a specialist certificate/admission to clinical activity in the taught discipline is required, it is desirable to have a medical category according to the profile of the taught discipline |
– Carry out educational, methodical, research, clinical (for clinical departments) and educational work with students in accordance with the approved individual plan. Provides high efficiency of pedagogical and scientific processes.
-Conduct training of students in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. -Form students’ solid professional knowledge, skills and qualities in the relevant area of training (specialty). -Conduct training sessions with students in strict accordance with the schedule of training sessions. Does not allow disruption of classes for disrespectful reasons. -Organize and conduct educational and educational-methodical work in all types of training sessions, except for lectures. -Participate in one of the directions of the research work of the department. -Under the guidance of a professor, associate professor or senior teacher, develops or takes part in the development of methodological manuals for the types of classes and educational work. Take an active part in educational work with students. -Take part in the management and organization of scientific research work of students, in the vocational guidance of schoolchildren. – Participate in the development and implementation of measures to improve the material and technical base, equipment of the teaching laboratories of the department. -Control the observance of the rules on labor protection and safety measures and fire safety by students during training sessions, laboratory work and practical exercises. -Form students’ skills in working with educational, special, scientific literature, manuals, teaches them to independently conduct experiments and generalize the results. -Within the framework of research topics of the department participate in seminars, meetings and conferences, including international ones. -Provide a report on the implementation of the individual teacher’s plan. -Comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection. -Systematically engaged in improving professional qualifications, pedagogical skills.-Increase his level of English proficiency with the provision of a confirmation certificate. -Carry out other orders of the head of the department, dean, vice-rectors, Chairman of the Board – Rector of the University to improve educational and methodological, research, clinical (for clinical departments) activities in the profile of the department. – Comply with the Policy of Academic Integrity, the Code of Honor of the teaching staff. -Comply with the University Charter, internal labor regulations and other university regulations. |
2. | Teaching assistant of the department of Neurology | 1 | ||
3. | Teaching assistant of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 | 1
4. | Teaching assistant of the department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation | 1 | ||
5. | Teaching assistant of the department of Oncology | 4 | ||
6. | Teaching assistant of the department of surgical diseases №2 | 2 | ||
7. | Teaching assistant of the department of general medical practice №2 | 1 | ||
8. | Teaching assistant of the department of evidence-based medicine and scientific management | 4 | ||
9. | Teaching assistant of the department of Family medicine | 1,50
1) Higher professional( medical) education, scientific and
pedagogical experience, or experience in a specialty of “Family medicine” at least 1 year and /or scientific title/degree, academic master’s degree, specialist certificate for admission to clinical activity |
-Organize and conduct educational and educational-methodical work for all types of training sessions in accordance with the Individual work plan of the teacher.
– Conduct training in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. -Form students’ solid professional knowledge, skills and qualities in the relevant direction of training, an active civic position, the ability to work and constant self-development -Develop critical thinking in students during training sessions. – Conduct training sessions with students in strict accordance with the schedule of training sessions. Do not allow classes to be disrupted for disrespectful reasons. – Notify in advance the head of the department about the impossibility of conducting training sessions provided for in the schedule. -Improve systematically own professional qualifications, pedagogical skills. – Be proficient in the state, Russian, preferably English. – Fulfill the orders, instructions of the head of the department – And others. |
10. | Teacher of military department | 1 | Higher education, a person from among the military personnel of the reserve (military personnel), work experience of at least 3 years of scientific and pedagogical activity. | – Supervise educational, methodical, military-scientific, research, rationalization and inventive work in the cycle, personally conduct classes with students, instructor-methodical and demonstrative classes with teachers, review and approve educational and methodological documentation developed for the cycle.
– Organize the reception of tests and exams for students and personally participate in this work. – Know the business, moral qualities of the teaching staff and educational support personnel of the cycle, to manage their work – Participate in planning the military training of students and ensure that classes are conducted with them at a high scientific and methodological level. Maintain journals of records of classes and educational work, personal cards of students, draw up certification sheets on them (characteristics). – Study and use in teaching and educational work the experience of combat training of troops (forces), military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the advanced experience of military departments – Exercise effective control over the implementation of the established safety measures by students during classes and work with weapons and military equipment. – Participate in the consideration and approval of educational and methodological documents (plans, schedules, structural and logical diagrams, schedule of classes for VUS). – Be responsible for the technical condition of interactive whiteboards, shooting ranges, simulators: MOKI and MAKI in classrooms. – Participate in methodological events, production meetings. – Participate in proposals for improving the methodological work of the department. -Promote the implementation of regulatory documents and measures provided by the authorized bodies |
11. | Teaching assistant of the department of infection diseases and children infections | 1 | 1) Higher professional education, scientific and pedagogical experience, or experience in a specialty of at least 1 year and academic master’s degree, without presenting requirements for work experience. It is desirable to have a certificate of proficiency in English.
2) For clinical departments, a specialist certificate/admission to clinical activity in the taught discipline is required, it is desirable to have a medical category according to the profile of the taught discipline |
– Carry out educational, methodical, research, clinical (for clinical departments) and educational work with students in accordance with the approved individual plan. Provides high efficiency of pedagogical and scientific processes.
-Conduct training of students in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. -Form students’ solid professional knowledge, skills and qualities in the relevant area of training (specialty). -Conduct training sessions with students in strict accordance with the schedule of training sessions. Don’t allow disruption of classes for disrespectful reasons. -Organize and conduct educational and educational-methodical work in all types of training sessions, except for lectures. -Participate in one of the directions of the research work of the department. -Under the guidance of the professor, Associate professor or senior teacher, develops or takes part in the development of methodological manuals for the types of classes and educational work. Take an active part in educational work with students. -Take part in the management and organization of scientific research work of students, in the vocational guidance of schoolchildren. – Participate in the development and implementation of measures to improve the material and technical base, equipment of the teaching laboratories of the department. -Control the observance of the rules on labor protection and safety measures and fire safety by students during training sessions, laboratory work and practical exercises. -Form students’ skills in working with educational, special, scientific literature, manuals, teaches them to independently conduct experiments and generalize the results. -Within the framework of research topics of the department participate in seminars, meetings and conferences, including international ones. -Carry out clinical activities in hazardous working conditions at the ARCIDH “Aktobe Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital” in direct contact with patients with general infectious diseases (airborne, intestinal). |
List of documents for participation in the competition:
1) CV with a photo of the candidate in the state/Russian language, if necessary in English;
2) autobiography;
3) copy of the identification document;
4) copies of diplomas of higher education, and (or) academic or scientific degree, document on academic title and originals for verification;
5) copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if any) and originals for verification;
6) copies of the certificate of specialist/admission to clinical activity (for clinical departments);
7) copies of the certificate of the medical category in the profile of the disciplines of the department, if available (for clinical departments);
8) list of scientific works and inventions, if any (for employees of the University, the list of scientific works is certified by the academic secretary);
9) certificate from neuropsychiatric organization in the form, in accordance with the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization” approved by order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015 No. 272, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy);
10) certificate from narcological organization in the form, in accordance with the standard of the state service “Issuance of a certificate from narcological organization”, approved by order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2015 No. 272, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents (or a notarized copy).
11) certificate on presence or absence of information on the records issued by the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Records of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the person committing a criminal offense.
12) the participant of the competition has the right to submit additional information regarding his education, work experience, professional level, knowledge of languages (list of scientific publications, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work, certificates, diplomas, etc.);
13) Persons working at the university apply characteristics of the higher management.
14) characteristics of the employee from the last place of work for candidates who are not full-time employees of the University;
15) essay on the prospective development of the claimed unit for a person wishing to participate in the competition for filling the following vacant positions: head of the department, dean of the faculty and head of the scientific unit.
16) Folder with file sheets.
Date of publication: October 26, 2021y.
The documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.
Acceptance of documents is carried out at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 103. Tel .: +7 (7132) 54-69-25.e-mail: [email protected]