International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility Department

Academic mobility and international cooperation is one of the most important areas of activity of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, which goal is to establish and develop bilateral and multilateral relations of university between the institutions and organizations in the field of international scientific and educational relations.
The main tasks of the department: development and organization of programs for academic mobility of students and teachers;
– organization and coordination of cooperation with higher educational institutions;
– coordination of educational programs implemented jointly with one or several foreign organizations.
Academic mobility is the movement of students or research teachers to study or conduct research for a certain academic period: a semester or an academic year to another higher educational institution (local or abroad) with the obligatory transfer of the acquired educational programs in the form of credits at one’s own university or to continue your studies at another university;
Within the framework of academic mobility invites leading teaching staff from universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS-countries and foreign countries; to send students to study for 1 or more semester in the local universities, as well as in the universities of the CIS-countries and foreign countries; accept exchange students from local universities, the CIS and foreign countries.
At West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University the academic mobility program is implemented in two directions:
– External academic mobility is the movement of students or research teachers to study or conduct research for a certain academic period abroad;
– Internal academic mobility is the movement of students or research teachers for teaching or research for a specific academic period within the country

The goal of academic mobility: integration into the international educational space, the use of world educational resources.

Department of International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility

Head of the department

Бисенова Т.Е.


Жаленов Ж.М.


Сарсембаева А.Г.


Мулдагалиева Д.С.


Бисенова Толкын Еркиновна

Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Projects and Academic Mobility
 [email protected] +77754854541

Сарсенбаева Азиза Галимжановна

Academic Mobility Specialist for Faculty and Teaching Staff
[email protected] +77711605744

Жаленов Жасулан Максатулы

Visiting Program Specialist
 [email protected] +77073621647

Мулдагалиева Динара Сергеевна

Specialist in academic mobility of students [email protected] +77022601489