HR Accounting Department

The Personnel Accounting Department is a structural unit of the NAO “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov”.

Gulzhainara Turarovna Alshenova — Acting Head of the Personnel Accounting Department

Personnel of the Department:

Ermagambetova Nuria Nurzhanovna— Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Dobrasheva Dinara Kalymzhanovna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Tynyshbai Almagul Samatovna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Kaipova Aina Urazgalievna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Nagieva Moldir Abidullayevna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Muratova Aygerim Rasulykyzy — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Tuleuova Aktoty Aidarovna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

Balabekova Zamira Zhomartovna — Inspector of the Personnel Accounting Department

E-mail of the Personnel Accounting Department: [email protected]

Contact phone numbers: 54-07-86; 55-20-58.

The Department performs the following main tasks:

— organization of systematic work on personnel accounting, timely provision of the university with the necessary number of personnel within the staffing table;

— organization of work to stabilize the team and reduce staff turnover at the university;

— carrying out work on the effective use of personnel, their rational placement and relocation within the university departments;

— organization of work to strengthen labor discipline and control the rational use of working time;

— organization of work on professional orientation, professional selection and professional adaptation of personnel;

— accounting of personnel, registration of admission, dismissal, transfers and movements of employees of all categories in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

— training, retraining and advanced training of employees.

Department functions:

  • Selection and placement (together with the heads of the relevant departments of the university) of personnel;
  • registration of admission, relocation and dismissal of university employees;
  • maintaining personal files of university employees;
  • maintaining personal and static records of all categories of employees;
  • maintenance of workbooks and their accounting;
  • preparation of award materials for university employees;
  • participation in the development and compilation of the annual staffing and pricing of scientific and pedagogical staff of the University, scientific, educational, support and administrative staff;
  • calculation of the total and continuous length of service for university employees to establish the amount of special insurance benefits in case of illness when applying for a pension;
  • announcement of the competition and preparation of documents for the replacement of scientific and pedagogical positions;
  • preparation of plans for advanced training and specialization of university employees, monitors of the qualification category, certificates of a specialist;
  • issuance of certificates to all categories of university employees;
  • conducting personnel records management;
  • An automated 1C cadres program is underway