The Department of strategic development – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

The Department of strategic development

The Department of Strategic Development is a structural division of the non-profit joint-stock company of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov.

 The main objectives of the Strategic Development Department are:

– coordination of the stages of implementation of the strategic directions of the university development;

– management and implementation of the strategic development plan of the university, taking into account the priority areas of activity;

– forecasting problems of the quality of services provided;

– development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the university.

 The main tasks of the Department of Strategic Development

– participation in the development and implementation of plans for the strategic development of the University;

– development of proposals to the management of the university to improve the mission and goals of the university in the field of quality;

– analysis of the environment, which includes the collection of information, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the university, as well as its potential capabilities based on the available external and internal information;

– choosing a university development strategy;

– implementation of programs and projects of the university development strategy;

– monitoring the implementation of programs and projects of the development strategy, evaluation and report generation.

Composition of the department

Valiakhmetova Rita Bolatovna

Head of Department

Karagul Aigerim Kuanyshkalieva

Department Specialist

Kubaidullina Altynai Akimzhanovna

Department Specialist

Contact details of employees of the Strategic Development Department

Valiakhmetova Rita Bolatovna

Head of Department

[email protected]


Karagul Aigerim Kuanyshkalieva

 Department Specialist

[email protected]


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